Saturday Morning, May 31, 8:00-11:00AM Eastern
BROTHERS and SISTERS facing torture, imprisonment, death in nations such as
BROTHERS and SISTERS facing torture, imprisonment, death in nations such as
Afghanistan, China, Egypt, Eritea,
India, Iran, Iraq, Kenya, Laos,
Nigeria, Pakistan, North Korea,
South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Syria,
Tanzania, Ukraine, Vietnam
India, Iran, Iraq, Kenya, Laos,
Nigeria, Pakistan, North Korea,
South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Syria,
Tanzania, Ukraine, Vietnam
1st Hour Prayer Focus: Middle East
2nd Hour Prayer Focus: Africa
3rd Hour Prayer Focus: Asia, Ukraine
2nd Hour Prayer Focus: Africa
3rd Hour Prayer Focus: Asia, Ukraine
(Servant Leaders Confirmed as of May 27)
Jonathan Ammon, Missionary, www.wildfiremin.org, www.jonathanammon.org
Peter Carlson, Prayer Coordinator, www.hovhop.com,
Young Il Chae, Pastor, www.yeshusahmchurch.com
Virginia Chapman, Prayer Coordinator, www.churchawakening.com
Nga Dang, CA State Coordinator, www.asknetwork.net
Bev Dennen, National Leadership Team, www.asknetwork.net, Serving with CHPP, www.chpponline.blogspot.com
Jerry Dykstra, www.opendoors.org
Henry and Grace Falany, Pastor, www.mariposarevivalcenter.org
Jonathan Friz, Founder, www.10days.net
Greg Gordon, Founder, www.sermonindex.net
Dai Sup Han, Founder/Facilitator, www.prayersurgenow.net, Serving with YWAM, www.ywamchico.com
Mitch Hescox, President, www.creationcare.org, Serving on Board of Directors, www.nae.net
Arthur Hunt, Pastor, Hunt Memorial Cathedral of Faith, Founder,
www. thecollegeofaspiringartists. com
Paul Iliyn, Missionary to Ukraine
TC Kim, National Facitator, www.transformusa.org
Dave Kubal, President, www.ifapray.org
Susan Landry, NDP Coordinator, San Francisco Bay Area, www.nationadayofprayer.org
Joseph Lee, Leadership Team, www.cornerstoneusa.org
Michael Obi, Nigerian Pastor, Serving on Leadership Team,
African Strategic Leadership Prayer Network, www.aslpn.org
Allan Parker, Founder/President, www.thejusticefoundation.org, www.operationoutcry.org
Ann Quest, Founder, Unity Quest Ministries, Board Member, www.timetorevive.com
Al McCarn, Lt. Col. (Ret.) US Army, Founder, www.thebarkingfox.wordpress. com
Faith McDonnell, Serving with Institute on Religion and Democracy, www.theird.org, www.juicyecumenism.com
Edgar Reich, Missionary to Africa, Founder, www.revivalusacanada.org
Andrea Rice, NDP Coordinator, North Pole, Alaska, www.nationaldayofprayer.org
Fred and Susan Rowe, Celebration Challenge Facilitators, www.transform-world.net, Founders, www.thelivingwall.org
Jonathan Ammon, Missionary, www.wildfiremin.org, www.jonathanammon.org
Peter Carlson, Prayer Coordinator, www.hovhop.com,
Young Il Chae, Pastor, www.yeshusahmchurch.com
Virginia Chapman, Prayer Coordinator, www.churchawakening.com
Nga Dang, CA State Coordinator, www.asknetwork.net
Bev Dennen, National Leadership Team, www.asknetwork.net, Serving with CHPP, www.chpponline.blogspot.com
Jerry Dykstra, www.opendoors.org
Henry and Grace Falany, Pastor, www.mariposarevivalcenter.org
Jonathan Friz, Founder, www.10days.net
Greg Gordon, Founder, www.sermonindex.net
Dai Sup Han, Founder/Facilitator, www.prayersurgenow.net, Serving with YWAM, www.ywamchico.com
Mitch Hescox, President, www.creationcare.org, Serving on Board of Directors, www.nae.net
Arthur Hunt, Pastor, Hunt Memorial Cathedral of Faith, Founder,
Paul Iliyn, Missionary to Ukraine
TC Kim, National Facitator, www.transformusa.org
Dave Kubal, President, www.ifapray.org
Susan Landry, NDP Coordinator, San Francisco Bay Area, www.nationadayofprayer.org
Joseph Lee, Leadership Team, www.cornerstoneusa.org
Michael Obi, Nigerian Pastor, Serving on Leadership Team,
African Strategic Leadership Prayer Network, www.aslpn.org
Allan Parker, Founder/President, www.thejusticefoundation.org, www.operationoutcry.org
Ann Quest, Founder, Unity Quest Ministries, Board Member, www.timetorevive.com
Al McCarn, Lt. Col. (Ret.) US Army, Founder, www.thebarkingfox.wordpress.
Faith McDonnell, Serving with Institute on Religion and Democracy, www.theird.org, www.juicyecumenism.com
Edgar Reich, Missionary to Africa, Founder, www.revivalusacanada.org
Andrea Rice, NDP Coordinator, North Pole, Alaska, www.nationaldayofprayer.org
Fred and Susan Rowe, Celebration Challenge Facilitators, www.transform-world.net, Founders, www.thelivingwall.org
Joan Schnabel, Prayer Facilitator, International Christian Concern, www.persecution.org
Blaine Scogin, Prayer Coordinator, The Persecution Watch
Hormoz Shariat, Founder, www.iranaliveministries.org
Tom Smith, Serving with www.men4nations.com
Matthew Smoler, National Prayer Director, www.promisekeepers.org, www.theonemessage.orgEd and Georgie Szendrey, Founders, We Care Ministries California on Facebook
Rick Torrison, National Director, www.jttusa.com
Patti Townley-Covert, Serving with Transform Los Angeles, www.tla.blogspot.com, www.ptcovert.com
John Townsend, Missionary to Ukraine, Founder, www.mt25v34.com
Doug Van Devender, Missionary to Kenya, Founder, www.transformingprayer.orgChris Vennetti, Founder, www.dninternational.org
Robert Wolff, Founder, Majestic Glory Ministries, www.awakening1.com
Noah Yang, Pastor, Hmong Alliance Church of Chico
Millions of our brothers and
sisters in multiple nations face imprisonment, torture, and death for
their profession of faith in the Lord Jesus. Let us stand in the gap
TOGETHER for these precious children of the Most High. Would
you consider joining us for the following critical national conference
call prayer for the persecuted church on Saturday morning, May 31?
Please assist us by inviting other to PRAY FOR THE PERSECUTED CHURCH and respond in Facebook here. Thank you!
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