Updated on National Day of Prayer,
Thursday, May 4, 2017
Thursday, May 4, 2017
An Open Invitation to the Body of Christ
National Prayer Call for America on the Evening of
66th Annual National Day of Prayer 5/4
FOR YOUR GREAT NAME'S SAKE! Hear us... Forgive us... Heal us!
8-10 pm Eastern, 7-9 pm Central, 6-8 pm Mountain,
5-7 pm Pacific, 4-6 pm Alaska, 2-4 pm Hawaii
You are welcome to connect 30 minutes early
You are welcome to connect 30 minutes early
Call: 712-432-0075 Code: 4961322# Mute: *6
We will engage in heart-to-heart, coast-to-coast prayers of:
1. Thanksgiving/praise and intercession for ALL NDP events.
2. Intercession for the "7 Centers of Influence" on behalf of our,
cities, state, nation, www.nationaldayofprayer.org/7x7_prayer.
3. Revival and Great Awakening in our nation and beyond.
Please join us during any portion of the following schedule, 8-10pm Eastern (be sure to adjust to your time zone):
- 7:30 pm Eastern Pre-call introductions & "Early Birds" praying together
- 8:00 pm Welcome & Theme of NDP 2017 - Dai Sup Han, National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!, www.prayersurgenow.net, Colorado Springs,Colorado
- 8:05 pm The Role of Prayer in America Return to God - Dr. Alveda King, Civil Rights Activist for the Unborn,and the Author of the New Book, America Return to God, www.priestsforlife.org/staff/
alvedaking.htm, www.americareturntogod.com, Atlanta, Georgia - Prayers Offered by Intercessors Across America - 8:15 pm Love Revolution in the Prayer Movement - Pastor Gaylord Enns, Founder/Director, Love Revolution Now, and the Author of the Book, Love Revolution: Rediscovering the Lost Command Jesus, www.loverevolutionnow.
org, Chico, California - Prayers Offered by Intercessors Across America - 8:25 pm The Inspiration of Herrnhut, Germany - Merv Witherup, Facilitator, Honolulu Branch of Spokane/Honolulu World Prayer, Honolulu, Hawaii - Prayers Offered by Intercessors Across America
- 8:35 pm Praying for Families - Jonathan Friz, National Coordinator, 10 Days of Prayer, September 20-30, 2017, www.10days.net, Deerfield, Western, Massachusetts - Prayers Offered by Intercessors Across America
- 8:45 pm Praying for Military - Joe Walsh, Community Prayer Organizer, Past Western States National Area Leader and California State Coordinator, National Day of Prayer, and Retired Chaplain of the United States Military, www.facebook.com/
joewalsh61, Sequim, Washington - Prayers Offered by Intercessors Across America - 8:55 pm Praying for Government - Dr. Luis Bush, Global Facilitator, Transform World and 4/14 Window Movement, www.tansform-world.
net, www.4to14window.com, Saint George, Illinois - Prayers Offered by Intercessors Across America - 9:05 pm Praying for Churches - Peter Carlson, Co-State Coordinator, National Day of Prayer Oregon, www.
nationaldayofprayer.org/oregon, Corvallis, Oregon - Prayers Offered by Intercessors Across America - 9:15 pm Praying for Education - Andie Rice, Co-State Coordinator, National Day of Prayer Alaska, www.
nationaldayofprayer.org/alaska, North Pole, Alaska - Prayers Offered by Intercessors Across America - 9:25 pm Praying of the Media - Pastor Netz Gomez, Senior Pastor, Houses of Light, Family Talk Show Host, Radio Nueva Vida, www.housesoflight.org/?
lang=en, www.nuevavida.com, Northridge, California - Prayers Offered by Intercessors Across America - 9:35 pm Praying for Businesses - Taechin "TC" Kim, National Facilitator, Transform USA,and a Colorado Springs Prayer Leader, www.transformusa.org, Colorado Springs, Colorado - Prayers Offered by Intercessors Across America
- 9:45 pm America AWAKE! - Ivan and Linda Doxtator, Founders/Directors, First Nations Restoration Ministries, www.fncm.us, O'Fallon, Missouri - Prayers Offered by Intercessors Across America
- 9:55 pm Aaronic Blessing - Rabbi Robert Wolff, President, Majestic Glory, and Executive Editor of the Book,UNITY: Awakening the One New Man, www.awakening1.org, Malibu, California - Prayers Offered by Intercessors Across America
- 10:00 pm You are welcome to remain on the prayer call for Watchmen of the Night (WON), hosted by Juanita Saunders, 10 pm-Midnight Eastern.
Let Us Pray With Servant Leaders Representing Several Ministries,
in Multiple States, and ALL 6 Time Zones Across America, including:
in Multiple States, and ALL 6 Time Zones Across America, including:
Dr. Alveda King, Civil Rights Activist for the Unborn,
and the Author of the New Book, America Return to God
Dr. Luis Bush, Global Facilitator,
Transform World and 4/14 Window Movement

Peter Carlson, Co-State Coordinator,
National Day of Prayer Oregon
Ivan and Linda Doxtator, Founders/Directors,
First Nations Restoration Ministries

First Nations Restoration Ministries

Pastor Gaylord Enns, Founder/Director,
Love Revolution Now, and the Author of the Book,
Love Revolution: Rediscovering the Lost Command Jesus
Jonathan Friz, National Coordinator,
10 Days of Prayer, September 20-30, 2017

10 Days of Prayer, September 20-30, 2017

Netz Gomez, Senior Pastor, Houses of Light, Northridge, CA,
Family Talk Show Host, Radio Nueva Vida

Taechin "TC" Kim, National Facilitator, Transform USA,
and a Prayer Leader for Colorado Springs, CO

and a Prayer Leader for Colorado Springs, CO

Andie Rice, Co-State Coordinator,
National Day of Prayer Alaska

Joe Walsh, Community Prayer Organizer,
Past Western States National Area Leader and
California State Coordinator, National Day of Prayer,
and Retired Chaplain of the United States Military


Rabbi Robert Wolff, President, Majestic Glory,
and Executive Editor of the Book,
UNITY: Awakening the One New Man

Joe Walsh, Community Prayer Organizer,
Past Western States National Area Leader and
California State Coordinator, National Day of Prayer,
and Retired Chaplain of the United States Military

Merv Witherup, Facilitator, Honolulu Branch of
Spokane/ Honolulu World Prayer
Spokane/ Honolulu World Prayer

Rabbi Robert Wolff, President, Majestic Glory,
and Executive Editor of the Book,
UNITY: Awakening the One New Man

Host/Facilitator on Behalf of NDP Task Force
Dai Sup Han, National Facilitator,Prayer Surge NOW! Weekly Nat'l Conf Call

The National Day of Prayer is an annual observance held on the first Thursday of May, inviting people of all faiths to pray for the nation. It was created in 1952 by a joint resolution of the United States Congress, and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman. Our Task Force is a privately funded organization whose purpose is to encourage participation on the National Day of Prayer. It exists to communicate with every individual the need for personal repentance and prayer, to create appropriate materials, and to mobilize the Christian community to intercede for America’s leaders and its families. The Task Force represents a Judeo-Christian expression of the national observance, based on our understanding that this country was birthed in prayer and in reverence for the God of the Bible.
Click here to see the history of the National Day of Prayer.
As we countdown to the 66th Annual National Day of Prayer, the chairman of NDP board, Dr. Dave Butts shares a few thoughts on ...
Prayers for America
1. Protection
“Therefore let everyone who is godly pray to you while you may be found; surely when the mighty waters rise, they will not reach him. You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance” (Ps. 32:6-7).
Pray for the Lord’s protection throughout the new administration’s term of office. Physical and spiritual protection is needed for President Trump and Vice President Pence and their families as well as for all of the administration.
Lord, be our Defender!
2. Presence
“I will put my dwelling place among you, and I will not abhor you. I will walk among you and be your God, and you will be my people” (Lev. 26:11-12).
Nothing is more important than the Presence of the Lord Himself in the halls of government. Far too many in our nation would isolate our faith to a private personal one or to a house of worship. The Presence of God changes lives and meets the deepest needs—not just those of individuals, but also the needs of our nation and its culture. Welcoming the Presence of the Lord into government can open the door for a longing for His Presence in all of society.
Make Your Presence known Lord!
3. Peace
“I will grant peace in the land, and you will lie down and not one will make you afraid. I will remove savage beasts from the land, and the sword will not pass through your country” (Lev. 26:6).
In the midst of a badly divided nation from top to bottom, we desperately need God’s peace. Pray for the Lord’s peace to come into the Congress of the United States and into the Supreme Court of the land. May this new administration, that during the campaign often stirred up controversies, become known as an administration that unites and brings peace. Pray also that God’s peace would touch the church in this nation that found itself badly divided over this election.
We long for Your peace to come to our nation, Lord!
4. Provision
“He provides food for those who fear him; he remembers his covenant forever. He has shown his people the power of his works, giving them the lands of other nations” (Ps.111:5-6).
We need to humbly come before the Lord and confess our need for His great provision to be poured out upon our nation. We need wisdom from above. We need the provision that meets healthcare needs in just ways. We need the provision of a robust economy that allows us to provide good jobs to those who are able to work. We especially need to be a nation that realizes that what we have comes from the Lord’s hand.
Thank You for being our Provider, O Lord!
5. Proficiency
“Now obey my voice; I will give you advice, and God be with you! You shall represent the people before God and bring their cases to God, and you shall warn them about the statutes and the laws, and make them know the way in which they must walk and what they must do. Moreover, look for able men from all the people, men who fear God, who are trustworthy and hate a bribe, and place such men over the people as chiefs of thousands, of hundreds, of fifties, and of tens. And let them judge the people at all times. Every great matter they shall bring to you, but any small matter they shall decide themselves. So it will be easier for you, and they will bear the burden with you. If you do this, God will direct you, you will be able to endure, and all this people also will go to their place in peace” (Ex. 18:19-23).
We need a government that is proficient in all its ways. The people of our nation too often look to government as an example of that which doesn’t work well. Inept and inefficient is often our basic view of the government. We need the new administration to begin to function well. We need this administration regularly to ask for the Lord’s help to make it proficient in government. That includes understanding what is and what is not the proper role of government.
Lord God, would You empower our government to properly use its power for efficient and just government!
David is a much sought after conference speaker both nationally and internationally. He serves on several Boards of Directors and committees focused on prayer, revival and evangelism. Dave received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Lincoln Christian College (1975), and Bachelors (1978) and Masters (1982) from Indiana State University. In 2014 he received the Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (PhD) from Atlantic Coast Theological Seminary. From 1974-1992, Dave served in various pastoral roles in local churches. In 1993 Dave and his wife, Kim, launched Harvest Prayer Ministries.
Besides authoring numerous magazine articles on prayer and missions for various publications, Dave is the author of With One Cry, Vertical with Jesus, Forgotten Power, When God Shows Up, Desperate for Change, The Devil Goes to Church, Prayer and the End of Days, Asleep in the Land of Nod, Revolution on Our Knees and Pray Like the King, which he wrote jointly with his wife, Kim.