Welcome to National Highway of Prayer. Let us prepare a HIGHWAY for OUR GOD (Isaiah 40:3 & 62:10)
as we walk TOGETHER as ONE (John 13:34-35 & 17:20-23). Contact: prayersurgenow@gmail.com

Thursday, December 18, 2014

"Let US be the VOICE for the VOICE" for Ending Human Trafficking, Sat, Jan 10

 Revised Tuesday, January 7


Inviting the Body of Christ to the 4th Annual
National Conference Call Prayer Summit 1/10
"Let US be the VOICE for the VOICELESS" 
Saturday Morning, Jan 10, 2015 9-11AM Eastern
TOGETHER for the Ending of Human Trafficking
With a Company of Abolitionists and Prayer Leaders for Joint 

Connect: 712-432-0075     Code: 6149782#     Mute: *6  

Servant Leaders in Partnership for "Let US be the VOICE for the VOICELESS" 
Listed in alphabetical order, confirmed as of Jan. 7, 2015

Kevin Austin
Director, Set Free Movement, Free Methodist Church, www.setfreemovement.org
Amber Barron
Founder/Director, Freedom's Promise, www.freedomspromise.org
Melissa Blevins
Co-founder/Prayer Coordinator, I AM for Freedom, www.iamforfreedom.org
John Bornschein
Vice Chairman, National Day of Prayer Task Force, www.nationaldayofprayer.org 
Executive Member, National Prayer Committee, www.nationalprayercommittee.com 
Maryal Boumann
Director, Pray California, www.praycalifornia.org
Maureen Bravo
National Prayer Director, Liberty Prayer Network, www.lc.org
Pierre Bynum 
Chaplain/National Prayer Director, Family Research Council, www.frc.org
Nicholas Canuso

Director, National Weekend of Prayer, www.nwoprayer.org
Serving with Florida Abolitionist, www.floridaabolitionist.org
Peter Carlson
Co-Leader, Heart of the Valley House of Prayer, www.hovhop.com
State Co-Director, 24/7 Oregon, www.twentyfoursevenoregon.com 
Cindy Collins 
Founder/Director, Speak Hope, www.speakhope.net
State Leader, Louisiana Operation Outcry, www.operationoutcry.org
Nga Dang, Marsha Elliot, Linda Thompson
Serving with California ASK Network, www.asknetwork.net
Bev Dennen
Serving on Leadership Team, ASK Network International, www.asknetwork.net
April De Pretis
Serving with Youth With A Mission, www.ywam.org
Jennie Fournier
Director, Greater Boston Prayer and Action Network,  www.gbpan.wordpress.com
Serving with Emmanuel Gospel Center Abolition Network, www.egc.org/abolition
Jonathan Friz
National Visionary, 10 Days of Prayer, www.10daysofprayer.net
Mark Gonzales
Founder/Director, U.S. Hispanic Prayer Network, www.hispanicprayernetwork.com
 Founder/Director, U.S. Hispanic Action Network, www.hispanicactionnetwork.com
Dai Sup Han
Co-Founder, National Weekend of Prayer, www.nwoprayer.org
National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!, www.prayersurgenow.net
Mitchell Hescox
Executive Board Member, National Association of Evangelicals, www.nae.net
President, Evangelical Environmental Network, www.creationcare.org
Melissa Holland
Founder/Executive Director Awaken INC, www.awakenreno.org
Arthur Hunt
Founder, Supreme Day of Prayer, www.tcaamusic.net/undivided--supreme-day-of-prayer.html
Senior Pastor, Hunt Memorial Cathedral of Faith
Barbara Jones
State Prayer Leader, Nevada Governor's Prayer Team, www.governorsprayerteam.org
TC Kim
National Facilitator, Transform USA, www.transformusa.org
Tomas Lares
Founder, National Weekend of Prayer, www.nwoprayer.org
Founder/President, Florida Abolitionist, www.floridaabolitionist.org
Rick Lindsay
State Prayer Leader, South Carolina Governor's Prayer Team, www.governorsprayerteam.org
Chris Martinez
Facilitator, My Father's Fire-House of Prayer and Praise 
Serving with International Justice Mission, Sacramento, www.ijm.org 
Donna Matts
State Prayer Leader, Virginia Governor's Prayer Team, www.governorsprayerteam.org
Tonya McKim
State Prayer Leader, Texas Governor's Prayer Team, www.governorsprayerteam.org
Tony Nassif
President, Preventing Abuse Foundation, www.preventingabuse.org
Ann Quest 
Founder/Director, Unity Quest
Paul Riley
Wasilla Prayer Network, Wasilla, Alaska
Ted Rose
Founder/President, United States National Prayer Council, www.usnationalprayercouncil.com
Kelly Roy

 Founder/Director, Illuminating Love, www.illuminatinglove.org
Carlos Sarmiento
Director, Orlando House of Prayer, www.orlandohop.org
Mattthew Smoler
Director of Prayer Ministry, Promise Keepers, www.promisekeepers.org
Elizabeth Strong
Serving with ASK Network USA, www.asknetwork.net
Patti Townley-Covert

Leadership Team Member, Transform Los Angeles, www.transformla.net
Thomas Walker
Founder/Director, National Governors' Prayer Team,  www.governorsprayerteam.org
Frank & Robin Williamson
State Prayer Leader, Florida Governor's Prayer Team, www.governorsprayerteam.org
James Wilson
Co-Director, National Day of Repentance, www.dayofrepentance.org
State Prayer Leader, California Governor's Prayer Team, www.governorsprayerteam.org
Robert Wolff
Executive Editor, UNITY Awakening the One New Man, www.awakening1.com
The 4th Annual National Conference Call Prayer Summit 1/10
"Let US be the VOICE for the VOICELESS" is a part of
January 9-11, 2015 with 8 OPPORTUNITIES to partner together
and engage to Body of Christ to in your city to free the captives! 

 Please consider reading
By Nicholas Canuso, Director of NWOP to End Slavery and Trafficking
Land of the Free

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

In One Month... 4th Annual Nat'l Conf Call Prayer Summit for Ending of Human Trafficking

Inviting the Body of Christ to the 4th Annual
National Conference Call Prayer Summit 
"Let US be the VOICE for the VOICELESS" 
Saturday Morning, Jan 10, 2015 9-11AM Eastern
TOGETHER for the Ending of Human Trafficking
With a Company of Abolitionists and Prayer Leaders for Joint
Connect: 712-432-0075     Code: 6149782#     Mute: *6

January 9-10, 2015 with 8 OPPORTUNITIES to partner together
and engage to Body of Christ to in your city to free the captives! 
 Please consider reading
By Nicholas Canuso, Director of NWOP to End Slavery and Trafficking
Land of the Free

Invitation to Abolitionists & Prayer Leaders Across America

Request for Partnership in the 4th Annual 
National Conference Call Prayer Summit 
"Let US be the VOICE for the VOICELESS"
Saturday, January 10, 2015, 9-11AM Eastern
TOGETHER for the Ending of Human Trafficking
With a Company of Abolitionists & Prayer Leaders Across America
Connect: 712-432-0075  Assess Code: 6149782#  Mute: *6

Dear Servant Leader:

We invite you to partner with us for our 4th Annual National Conference Call Prayer Summit 1.10.14: Let US be the VOICE for the VOICELESS, for the ending of human trafficking, with initial details posted on Facebook and National Highway of Prayer.  This is a critical conference call connecting various abolitionist and prayer ministry leaders across the nation on Saturday morning, January 10, 2015, 9-11AM Eastern.  We believe that our Father is calling us to a joint intercessory-abolition movement (I.A.M.) for a such a time as this to end the nightmare of modern day slavery.

Here is how you can partner with us...

Your participation in Let US be the VOICE for the VOICELESS on January 10 would be much appreciated and we would be honored if you would lead us in prayer during a portion of our national conference call.  We are also inviting intercessors across the nation to join us, listen in, and bless this conference call with unified hearts in prayer of agreement.

Would you respond to our invitation by completing a brief questionnaire found below this email?
  Your prompt RSVP will assist us in planning for our time together on January.  We hope to send you additional information next week before Christmas & New Year's are upon us.  Mean while, if you are interested in learning about our previous conference calls in Jan. 2012, 2013, and 2014 please visit here, here, and here.  Thank you.

You are also encouraged to prayerfully consider opportunities to serve during NWOP.  Please visit www.nwoprayer.org to learn how you can engage concerned folks in your city/region on Jan 9, 10, and 11.  Would you also consider a very inspiring book written by Nicholas Canuso, one of the key leaders in intercessory-abolition ministry?  Please click here to learn about what Land of the Free: A Prayer Guide of Ending Human Trafficking in America has to offer.   

Many blessings to you and your loved ones during this wonderful season.  Come let us adore Him, Christ the LORD!

Together in Christ,
Tomas Lares, Founder of NWOP
and Executive Director/Founder of Florida Abolitionist
Dai Sup Han, Co-Founder of NWOP 
and National Facilitator of Prayer Surge NOW!
Nicholas Canuso, National Director of NWOP
and Author of "Land of the Free"

Please complete and return the following questionnaire to prayersurgenow@gmail.com by this Friday, December 12.

1.  Your name and location (city/state):

2.  Your ministry title, website/blog/Facebook page:

3.  Check one below:
      I am available to participate in the entire conference call. ___ (9-11AM EST)
      I am available only during the 1st hour. ___ (9-10AM EST)
      I am available only during the 2nd hour. ___ (10-11AM EST)
      I am not available during any portion of the conference call. ___

4.  Assuming you are joining us for at least one hour, may we include your name and ministry
     name/website in promoting Let US be the VOICE for the VOICELESS?  YES or NO

5.  We need your assistance in promoting and inviting others to this conference call.
     Are you willing to share our invitation with those in your ministry network?  YES or NO

6.  May we have your permission to add your ministry to the growing number of
     NWOP Coalition of Congregations and Ministries"?  YES or NO

7.  Please share any questions/comments regarding Let US be the VOICE for the VOICELESS?


Sunday, December 7, 2014

4th Annual Nat'l Conf Call for the Ending of Human Trafficking 1.10.15

Inviting the Body of Christ to the 4th Annual
National Conference Call Prayer Summit 
"Let US be the VOICE for the VOICELESS" 
TOGETHER for the Ending of Human Trafficking
With a Company of Abolitionists and Prayer Leaders for Joint
Saturday Morning, Jan 10, 2015 9-11AM Eastern
Connect using 712-432-0075, access code 6149782#

January 9-10, 2015 with 8 OPPORTUNITIES to partner together
and engage to Body of Christ to in your city to free the captives! 

Friday, November 7, 2014

Thank You for Praying and Mobilizing Kingdom Value Votes!

Thank you for participating in Impacting Our Future 123 VOTE National Conference Calls.  Our joint prayer and mobilizing Kingdom value votes made an impact in the midterm elections. 

Special thanks to our guest speakers: Tony Perkins, Dr. Rick Scarborough, Pastor Jim Garlow, Pastor Dave Welch, and Dr. Kenyn Cureton.  We also deeply appreciate many servant leaders across America who served as our prayer leaders.

Please visit the following posts and continue to pray and mobilize for 2016 Elections:

May the Lord bless each of us to transform our nation for such as time as this!

Together in Christ,
Dai Sup Han
Nat'l Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!
Serving with Pierre Bynum, FRC

Friday, October 31, 2014

Impaction Our Future 123 VOTE 11/6: Looking Towards 2016

Christians Vote Coalition

Inviting the Body of Christ Across America
Impacting Our Future 123 VOTE
Beyond Midterm Elections, Looking Towards 2016
Special National Conference Call
Next Thur Evening/Afternoon, Nov 6
9-10PM Eastern, 8-9PM Central, 7-8PM Mountain, 
6-7PM Pacific, 5-6PM Alaska, 4-5PM Hawaii
Invited Guest Speakers
Pastor Jim Garlow, Skyline Church
Tony Perkins, Family Research Council
Dr. Rick Scarborough, Vision America
with "A Company of Prayer Leaders"  
Call: 712-432-0075  Code: 6149782#  Mute: *6

For additional details, return to  
  Also visit www.123vote.com and  


National Conference Call for Mobilizing
Prayer and
Mobilizing Kingdom Value Votes 
Towards Impacting Our Future and
Transformation of America!
Hosted by
Rev. Pierre Bynum, Nat'l Prayer Director, FRC
Dai Sup Han, Nat'l Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!

Visit www.123vote.com and www.christiansvote.org
Watch iPledge Sunday 2014 video clips here
Original full-length one hour version here
Watch iPledge Sunday 2014 in Spanish here

Please share this invitation with the members of the Body of Christ in
your email network, also posted on www.nationalhighwayofprayer.net
Thank you!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Thur 10/30 Nat'l Conf Call with Rick Scarborough - Impacting Our Future 123 VOTE

Please Join Us for an Urgent Nat'l Conf Call for the Midterm Elections
Impacting Our Future 123 VOTE: Mobilizing Prayer & Kingdom Value Votes
With Dr. Rick Scarborough, Thursday, October 30, 9:00-9:30PM Eastern
Connect Using: 712-432-0075     Access Code: 6149782#     Mute: *6
Following details are posted on www.nationalhighwayofprayer.net

Dr. Rick Scarborough is the Founder and President of Vision America, an organization whose mission is to inform and mobilize Pastors and their congregations to become salt and light, becoming pro-active in restoring Judeo-Christian values in America.  Previously, Dr. Scarborough served as Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of Pearland in Texas. As a member of the Board of Trustees for the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention from 1992 until 2000, Dr. Scarborough traveled extensively throughout Europe representing the IMB. Dr. Scarborough is the author of several books including Enough is Enough: A Call to Christian Involvement and Liberalism Kills Kids. His work has been featured in numerous articles and publications around the nation, including the New York Times, Washington Post, Kansas City Star, Dallas Morning News, Houston Chronicle, Boston Globe and the Congressional Quarterly. For a complete a bio, please visit here.

Inviting the Body of Christ Across America
Impacting Our Future 123 VOTE 10/30
Mobilizing Prayer & Kingdom Value Votes
Special Guest Rick Scarborough
Founder/President, Vision America

Special National Conference Call
This Thursday, October 30
9-9:30PM Eastern, 8-8:30PM Central,
7-7:30PM Mountain, 6-6:30PM Pacific, 
5-5:30PM Alaska, 3-3:30PM Hawaii

Call: 712-432-0075  Code: 6149782#  Mute: *6
Weekly National Conference Calls for Mobilizing
Prayer and
Mobilizing Kingdom Value Votes for the
Upcoming Midterm Elections on November 4
AND Towards Transformation of Our Nation
Hosted by
Rev. Pierre Bynum, Nat'l Prayer Director, FRC
Dai Sup Han, Nat'l Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!

Visit www.123vote.com and www.christiansvote.org
Watch iPledge Sunday 2014 video clips here
Original full-length one hour version here
Watch iPledge Sunday 2014 in Spanish here
Pray for America in DC: Nat'l Prayer Assembly, Oct 29-30


Please share this invitation with the members of the Body of Christ in
your email network, also posted on www.nationalhighwayofprayer.net
Thank you!

Monday, October 20, 2014

10/23 Conf Call Prayer for Midterm Elections with Dave Welch, Houston Area Pastors Council

Inviting the Body of Christ Across America
Impacting Our Future 123 VOTE
Special Guest Dave Welch
Executive Director, Houston Area US Pastors Council 
Weekly National Conference Call
This Thursday, October 23 
9-9:30PM Eastern, 8-8:30PM Central, 7-7:30PM Mountain
6-6:30PM Pacific, 5-5:30PM Alaska, 3-3:30PM Hawaii
Call: 712-432-0075  Code: 6149782#  Mute: *6
Weekly National Conference Calls for Prayer
Mobilizing Kingdom Value Votes for the
Upcoming Midterm Elections, November 4

With Special Guest Speakers for Information/Inspiration
 and Selected Ministry Leaders Assigned to Offer Intercession
every Thursday evening, 9-9:30PM Eastern, Until Nov 6 
Hosted by Rev. Pierre Bynum, Nat'l Prayer Director, FRC
and Dai Sup Han, Nat'l Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!

Visit www.123vote.com and www.christiansvote.org
Watch iPledge Sunday 2014 video clips here
Original full-length one hour version here
Watch iPledge Sunday 2014 in Spanish here
Pray for America in DC: Nat'l Prayer Assembly, Oct 29-30
Intercede for Houston Church and Gov: 
Read "Letter from a Houston Pastor"  
Please share this invitation with the members of the Body of Christ in your email network, also posted on www.nationalhighwayofprayer.netYou are welcome to read an important letter below which is addressed to prayer ministry leaders across America.  Thank you!

Inviting Prayer Ministries for United Intercession
and Mobilization: Christians Vote Coalition

Christians Vote Coalition
...and the Body of Christ to Thurs Evening Conf Calls
Oct 16, 23, 30, Nov 6:
Impacting Our Future 123 VOTE

Dear Prayer Ministry Leader:

Thank you for your commitment to intercede for our nation, inspiring others to pray, and mobilizing Kingdom value votes for the upcoming midterm elections.  TOGETHER we are called as salt and light to impact our nation towards greater dependency in our Father by exercising liberty and responsibility given to us by our Savior.

I am grateful that several of you: Enlisted your ministries to iPledge Sunday 2014 Coalition (see the list on ); Participated in our 10/9 special conference call with Tony Perkins, Dr. Rick Scarborough, and Pastor Jim Garlow in advance of iPledge Sunday; Viewed Sunday night's live webcast broadcasted from Washington DC.  If you missed this inspirational hour, please consider watching the recording on Youtube by clicking here.  Spanish translation is available
here (which starts 10 min 30 sec into the recording)

Ministries listed as coalition members for iPledge Sunday are also listed on www.christiansvote.org in order to communicate to the Body of Christ that we are are TOGETHER praying for the election process and mobilizing Christians to vote on November 4.  If you are not listed and would prefer to join, please click here.  There you will find an email request for your ministry website and logo.  If you would prefer your organization removed from "Christians Vote Coalition", please contact me today.

Starting this Thursday evening, Pierre Bynum, National Prayer Director, Family Research Council, and I will co-host "Impacting Our Future 123 VOTE", 30 minutes of weekly conference calls.  We will invite key national servant leaders to provide information/inspiration and prayer leaders to respond in specific intercession for our nation and the midterm elections.  Please mark October 16, 23, 30 and November 6, 9-9:30PM Eastern (6-6:30PM Pacific) on your calendars and invite your network to join us.  These important conference call prayer gatherings will be opened to the Body of Christ across America using 712-432-0075 and code 6149782#.

Last but not least, as a concerned and responsible citizen, please consider visiting www.123vote.com towards a non-partisan effort in voter registration, education, and mobilization.  Let us TOGETHER make a positive difference on the direction of government, the character of its leadership, and the future of our nation.  Just as faith without works is dead, prayer without action will continually erode our God given liberty for every citizen.

I am honored to be salt and light with you!

Dai Sup Han
National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!
Serving with Pierre Bynum   

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Tonight, "Impacting Our Future 123 VOTE" Nat'l Conf Call with Dr. Kenyn Cureton & A Company of Servant Leaders

Inviting the Body of Christ Across America
Impacting Our Future 123 VOTE
Thursdays, Oct 16, 23, 30 AND Nov 6
9-9:30PM Eastern, 8-8:30PM Central, 7-7:30PM Mountain
6-6:30PM Pacific, 5-5:30PM Alaska, 3-3:30PM Hawaii
Weekly National Conference Calls for Prayer
Mobilizing Kingdom Value Votes for the
Upcoming Midterm Elections, November 4
With Special Guest Speakers for Information/Inspiration
 & Selected Ministry Leaders Assigned to Offer Intercession

Hosted by Rev. Pierre Bynum, Nat'l Prayer Director, FRC
and Dai Sup Han, Nat'l Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!
Call: 712-432-0075  Code: 6149782#  Mute: *6

Visit www.123vote.com & www.christiansvote.org
Watch iPledge Sunday 2014 video clips here
and original full-length one hour version here
Pray for America in DC: Nat'l Prayer Assembly, Oct 29-30
Intercede for Houston Church and Gov: 
Read "Letter from a Houston Pastor"  

Our special guest for the first weekly conf call scheduled for this evening/afternoon, Thursday, October 16, will be Dr. Kenyn Cureton, Vice President for Church Ministries, Family Research Council.  Dr. Cureton has been instrumental in networking nearly 25,000 pastors towards preserving family, faith, freedom and launching www.ivotevalues.org.  For a complete bio & photo of our inspirational servant leader, please visit herePlease share this invitation with the members of the Body of Christ in your email network, also posted on www.nationalhighwayofprayer.netYou are welcome to read an important letter below which is addressed to prayer ministry leaders across America.  Thank you!

Inviting Prayer Ministries for United Intercession
and Mobilization: Christians Vote Coalition

Christians Vote Coalition
...and the Body of Christ to Thurs Evening Conf Calls
Oct 16, 23, 30, Nov 6:
Impacting Our Future 123 VOTE

Dear Prayer Ministry Leader:

Thank you for your commitment to intercede for our nation, inspiring others to pray, and mobilizing Kingdom value votes for the upcoming midterm elections.  TOGETHER we are called as salt and light to impact our nation towards greater dependency in our Father by exercising liberty and responsibility given to us by our Savior.

I am grateful that several of you: Enlisted your ministries to iPledge Sunday 2014 Coalition (see the list on http://ipledgesunday2014.com/partners); Participated in our 10/9 special conference call with Tony Perkins, Dr. Rick Scarborough, and Pastor Jim Garlow in advance of iPledge Sunday; Viewed Sunday night's live webcast broadcasted from Washington DC.  If you missed this inspirational hour, please consider watching the recording on Youtube by clicking here.  Spanish translation is available
here (which starts 10 min 30 sec into the recording)

Ministries listed as coalition members for iPledge Sunday are also listed on www.christiansvote.org in order to communicate to the Body of Christ that we are are TOGETHER praying for the election process and mobilizing Christians to vote on November 4.  If you are not listed and would prefer to join, please click here.  There you will find an email request for your ministry website and logo.  If you would prefer your organization removed from "Christians Vote Coalition", please contact me today.

Starting this Thursday evening, Pierre Bynum, National Prayer Director, Family Research Council, and I will co-host "Impacting Our Future 123 VOTE", 30 minutes of weekly conference calls.  We will invite key national servant leaders to provide information/inspiration and prayer leaders to respond in specific intercession for our nation and the midterm elections.  Please mark October 16, 23, 30 and November 6, 9-9:30PM Eastern (6-6:30PM Pacific) on your calendars and invite your network to join us.  These important conference call prayer gatherings will be opened to the Body of Christ across America using 712-432-0075 and code 6149782#.

Last but not least, as a concerned and responsible citizen, please consider visiting www.123vote.com towards a non-partisan effort in voter registration, education, and mobilization.  Let us TOGETHER make a positive difference on the direction of government, the character of its leadership, and the future of our nation.  Just as faith without works is dead, prayer without action will continually erode our God given liberty for every citizen.

I am honored to be salt and light with you!

Dai Sup Han
National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!
Serving with Pierre Bynum   

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Updated 10/9: TODAY Nat'l Conf Calls with Tony Perkins, Rick Scarborough, Jim Garlow for Ministry Leaders in Advance of iPledge Sunday 2014

Inviting Ministry Leaders Across America to
for the
Upcoming Midterm Elections and

This Thursday, October 9th
11-Noon EDT, 10-11AM CDT, 9-10AM MDT8-9AM PDT
and/or 4-5PM EDT, 3-4PM CDT, 2-3PM MDT, 1-2PM PDT 
Conf call number: 712-432-0075   Access code: 6149782#   Mute: *6

With Confirmed Special Guests

Tony Perkins
President, Family Research Council
during the morning conf call, 11-Noon EDT
Dr. Rick Scarborough
Founder/President, Vision America

during the both calls, 11-Noon and 4-5PM EDT
Jim Garlow
Senior Pastor, Skyline Wesleyan Church

during the the afternoon call, 4-5PM EDT (to be confirmed)

Please call in for Oct 9, 11AM and/or 4PM EDT,
in advance of iPledge Sunday 2014, Oct 12
for Information/Inspiration/
for Midterm Elections & Joining Prayer Leaders Coalition

Conference Call Number: 712-432-0075
Access Code: 6149782#

Please Mute: *6

Pierre Bynum
National Prayer Director, Family Research Council
Dai Sup Han
National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!

iPledge Sunday Coalition Members
Leading Prayer during Conf Call Prayer
Sara Ballenger
Founder/Director, Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
Negiel Bigpond
Co-founder/Director, Two Rivers Native American Training Center
Maryal Boumann
Director, Pray California
Rickie Bradshaw
Regional Director of Mobilization, Journey to Transformation
Maureen Bravo
International Director, Liberty Prayer Network
Jeffrey Daly
Co-Founder/Director, National Day of Repentance
Tom Demaree
Founder/Director, Pentecost Walk 
Netz Gomez
Senior Pastor, Houses of Light, Northridge, CA

Gregg Healey 
State-Wide Facilitator, Impact Connecticut
TC Kim
National Facilitator, Transform USA

Bill Landers Director, Men for Nations West
Rick Lindsay
Founder/President, Encourage Men to Prayer

Allan Parker
Founder/President, The Justice Foundation

Ann Quest
Founder/Director, Unity Quest
Tom Walker
Founder/Director, National Governors' Prayer Team

Would you share this announcement with fellow servant leaders,
read the below email request, and respond today?  Thank you!

Invitation to Prayer Ministry Leaders Across America
iPledge Sunday 2014: The Rise of the Church
Please watch video here & join the growing coalition here
Respond to Dai Sup Han, prayersurgenow@gmail.com

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Dear Prayer Ministry Leader:

Your devotion to intercessory ministry for your local city/region and our nation is deeply appreciated, and I am privileged and honored to serve with you.  This letter comes to you with great expectation for the future of America and I invite you to join me in the following opportunity of united intercession and action.

I am personally asking you to participate in the growing coalition of ministry leaders towards Holy Spirit led intercession for our nation and mobilization of Christ-centered votes for the Father's glory in the upcoming Midterm Elections.  You would agree that the heart and soul of America must return to our biblical foundation which includes the mandate of exercising our God given freedom and responsibility at the ballot box, and inspiring others to do the same, in order to influence the much needed transformation of the Sphere/Mountain of Government. 

Would you commit yourself and your ministry to iPledge Sunday 2014: The Rise of the Church and join fellow prayer leaders and prayer organizations in making a significant impact in the outcome of November 4th Election Day?  This will include a kick-off live webcast event of information, inspiration, and invitation in mobilizing Kingdom value votes on October 12th.  iPledge Sunday is a NON-PARTISAN JOINT EFFORT to get out the vote.

Here's how you can respond today:
  • Please request a copy of the letter from my friend Pierre Bynum, Chaplain and National Prayer Director, Family Research Council, with additional details.  I am serving with Pierre in connecting with prayer leaders regarding this important initiative.
  • MOST IMPORTANTLY, please join the coalition of ministries here.  Then, email me at prayersurgenow@gmail.com, with a note stating that you and your ministry have signed up.  Please use the subject "iPledge Sunday".    
The upcoming Midterm Elections (in just 5 weeks!) will play a critical role in determining the path of our nation.  Together as servant leaders of prayer ministries from coast-to-coast and cities/regions throughout these United States, let us unite our hearts and prayers as ONE, vote for godly candidates, AND urge the Body of Christ to do the same.  Together in Christ, we will be His CATALYSTS for our Father's destiny for America!

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.  I welcome your comments/questions and will attempt to follow up with a phone call later this week.

Together in Christ,
Dai Sup
PS - I would welcome your support in sharing this email with fellow prayer ministry leaders across our nation.


Dai Sup HanNational Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!
Co-Founder, National Weekend of Prayer
Serving, 10 Days of Prayer, Sept 24 ~ Oct 4
Member, National Prayer Committee
530-570-0085 (c)prayersurgenow@gmail.com

Mailing address:
Dai Sup Han
PO Box 49134
Colorado Springs, CO 80949-9134