Welcome to National Highway of Prayer. Let us prepare a HIGHWAY for OUR GOD (Isaiah 40:3 & 62:10)
as we walk TOGETHER as ONE (John 13:34-35 & 17:20-23). Contact: prayersurgenow@gmail.com

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Thank You for Participating in the ELECTION DAY PRAYER CALL! Join us for URGENT PRAYER CALLS for America, Thur 11/5 & Sat 11/7

With Various Servant Leaders for 16 Hours of ELECTION DAY PRAYER CALL

During Transform USA 11/5 National Prayer Call, TOMORROW, Thursday, November 5, 11 am-1 pm Eastern (8-10 am Pacific)  Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#  Mute: *6   Additional details posted on TransformUSA.info.  

During Prayer Surge NOW! 11/7 National Conference Call, THIS Saturday Morning, November 7, 9-11 am Eastern (6-8 am Pacific)  Call: 605-475-4797  Code: 336718#  Mute: *6   Additional details posted on PrayerSurgeNOW.net.

Inviting the Body of Christ to
The 16 Hours of  ELECTION DAY
PRAYER Call Across America
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
8:00 am-Midnight Eastern, 7:00 am-11:00 pm Central,
6:00 am-10:00 pm Mountain, 5:00 am-9:00 pm Pacific,
4:00 am-8:00 pm Alaska, 3:00 am-7:00 pm Hawaii
Call: 605-475-4797  Code: 336718#  Mute: *6
Desperate United Intercession for GOD's
Deliverance and Destiny of Our Nation!
Inviting the Body of Christ to participate in any portion(s) of 16 hours of continuous teleconference prayer call hosted/supported by 70+ regional, national, international ministries/prayer networks listed below.  Additional information & updates to be posted on www.nationalhighwayofprayer.net. Contact: nationalhighwayofprayer@gmail.com  

ELECTION DAY PRAYER CALL Hourly Schedule in Eastern Time
Subject to change & additional ministries/servant leaders to be confirmed.

8-9 am Eastern
Ministries Serving Together: International Prayer Council, National Prayer Assembly, First Nations Restoration, National DAILY Prayer Call, The Justice Foundation, The Moral Outcry  With Servant Leaders: John Robb, Ivan & Linda Doxtator, Allan Parker, Dai Sup Han

9-10 am Eastern
Ministries Serving Together: Promise Keepers, Men for Nations, Men for Nations West, Men for Nations Heartland  With Servant Leaders: Judge Vance Day, Pastor Art Remington, Jr., Tom Smith, Bill Landers, Randy Powell
10-11 am Eastern
Ministries Serving Together: National Prayer Committee, All Tribes DC, Two Rivers Native American Training Center, Harvest Prayer Ministries  With Servant Leaders: Dr. Negiel Bigpond, Dave Butts, Confirmed National Committee Members 

11 am-12 pm Eastern
Ministries Serving Together: Transform World, Transform USA, Praying on the Mountain, African Strategic Leadership Prayer Network, Wailing Women Worldwide, America Transformation Company, Prayer Surge NOW!, ISRAEL Prayer Surge NOW!, Houston 24/7 Altar, The Potter's Ministries, Hidden Manna Ministries, If My People  With Servant Leaders: Dr. Luis Bush, Mark Beliles, WWII Vet Fred Lunsford, Aziz Aslami, Allan Beeber, Pastor Cyril & Jemima Rayan,  Pastor Michael & Keziah Obi, Greg Winslow, John Moore, Dai Sup Han

12-1 pm Eastern
Ministry Serving: Generals International/Reformation Prayer Network, Light the Fire Ministries, Women for a Great America, 50 Days of Blessing  With Servant Leaders: Pastor Brian Gibbs, Andrea Lafferty, Timmerle Kelly, Confirmed Regional/State Generals

1-2 pm Eastern
Ministries Serving Together: Capitol Worship, Unity Quest, United Cry, Dallas-Fort Worth Prays, Texas Intercessory Team  With Servant Leaders: Dan Cummins, Ann Quest, Lewis Hogan

2-3 pm Eastern
Ministries Serving Together: Alveda King Ministries, Priests for Life, Promise Keepers, SpeakHope  With Servant Leaders: Evangelist Alveda King, Ken Harrison, Cindy Collins

3-4 pm Eastern
Ministries Serving Together: CBN News Middle East/Jerusalem Dateline, Awakening The ONE NEW Man, Majestic Glory, Reconnecting Ministries, International House of Prayer Kansas City  With Servant Leaders: Chris Mitchell, Grant Berry, Matthew Smoler, Robert Wolff
4-5 pm Eastern  
Ministries Serving Together: Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation, Awakening America Alliance, Lightbearers International  With Servant Leaders: Congressman Randy Forbes, Summer Ingram, Kay Horner, Dallas Eggemeyer

5-6 pm Eastern
Ministries Serving Together: The Return, Global Strategic Alliance, Pray California, Pray Oregon, Washington Prays, Church Awakening  With Servant Leaders: Kevin Jessip, Pastor Alec Rowlands, Maryal Boumann, Peter Carlson, Virginia Chapman

6-7 pm Eastern
Ministry Serving: National Day of Prayer Task Force, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association  With Servant Leaders: Kathy Branzell, Cynthia Scott, Gwen Bradley, Confirmed National Area Leaders & State Coordinators

7-8 pm Eastern
Ministries Serving Together: Korea World Mission Association, Houses of Light, Silk Road Forum, Iran Alive Ministries, Global 365 Prayer Network/Prayer Pavilion, Iranian Christians International, Redemptive Love Ministry International  With Servant Leaders: Herbert Hong, Dr Hormoz Shariat, Paul Kang, Saeed Hosseini, Mohamad Amin Faridi, Ramin Parsa, Pastor Netz Gomez,  Dai Sup Han

8-9 pm Eastern
Ministries Serving Together: The Missionary Church International, New Hope Bible School, Global Connectors  With Servant Leaders: Bishop Robert Coulter, Pastor Wayne Cordeiro, Tim & Sandy Ravan
9-10 pm Eastern
Ministries Serving Together: Gateway Prayer Garden, Colorado Prays, 10 Days Together Metro Denver, One Voice for Transformation  With Servant Leaders: General Patrick Caruana USAF ret, Mark Spengler, Father Phil Eberhart, Amy Everette

10-11 pm Eastern
Ministries Serving Together: First Nations Restoration, Somebody Cares International, Somebody Cares Tampa Bay, 50 Day Fight, Mighty Men Movement/Million Men Call to Prayer, Promise Keepers, Funding for Life, Canada   With Servant Leaders: Ivan & Linda Doxtator, Doug Stringer, Daniel Bernard, Clark Osborn, Stephen Davis, Dai Sup Han
11 pm-Midnight
Ministry Serving: Capitol Hill Prayer Partners  With Servant Leaders: Sara Ballenger, Bev Dennen, CHPP Intercessors Across America

Confirmed Servant Leaders in alphabetical order:
Aziz Aslami, Founder/Director, His Message for the Gospel, Serving with IMB-Persian Europe Refugee Team 
Sara BallengerPresident, Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, www.capitolhillprayer.org
Allan Beeber, Ph.D., Trends Forecaster
Mark Beliles, President, American Transformation Company, www.americatransformationcompany.com, North America Facilitator, Transform World Movement, www.transform-world.net
Dan Bernard, Founder/President, Somebody Cares Tampa Bay, www.sctb.org, Convener, 50 Day Fight, www.50dayfight.com
Grant Berry, Founder, Reconnecting Ministries and Author of the Book, Romans 911, www.reconnectingministries.org
Negiel Bigpond, Convener, All Tribes DC, October 1-2, www.alltribesdc.org, Co-founder/Director, Two Rivers Native American Training Center, www.2-rivers.com 
Maryal Boumann, Director, PRAY CALIFORNIA, www.praycalifornia.org
Gwen Bradley,  Mobilization Assistant & Southeast  National Area Leader, National Day of Prayer Task Force, www.nationaldayofprayer.org
Kathy Branzell, President, National Day of Prayer Task Force, www.nationaldayofprayer.org
Luis Bush, Servant, Transform World 2020, www.transform-world.net, Chancellor, Cornerstone International University
Dave Butts, President, Harvest Prayer Ministries, www.harvestprayer.com, Chairman, National Prayer Committee, www.nationalprayercommittee.com
Pierre BynumNational Prayer Director and Chaplain, Family Research Council, www.frc.org
Peter Carlson, Leadership Team, Pray Oregon, www.prayoregon.org, Oregon State Co-Coordinator, National Day of Prayer Task Force, www.nationaldayofprayer.org
Patrick CaruanaLieutenant General, United States Air Force, 1957-1997, Men's Ministry, Westover Hills Church, San Antonio, TX, westoverhills.church
Virginia Chapman, Leadership Team, Washington Prays, www.americaprays.org/washington, Prayer Coordinator, Church Awakening, www.churchawakening.com
Cindy Collins, Founder, SpeakHope, www.speakhope.net, Advisor to Operation Outcry, www.operationoutcry.org
Wayne Cordeiro, Senior Pastor, New Hope Oahu, enewhope.org, New Hope Church, President, New Hope Christian College, www2.newhope.edu
Bob Coulter, Senior Bishop, The Missionary Church International, www.tmciworld.com
Dan Cummins, Founder/Executive Director, www.capitolworshipministry.net  
Stephen Davis, Chief Global Strategist, Promise Keepers, www.promisekeepers.org, Chairman, Funding for Life, fundingforlife.ca
Vance Day, President, Promise Keepers, www.promisekeepers.org
Bev Dennen, Serving with ASK Network, www.asknetwork.netCapitol Hill Prayer Partners, www.capitolhillprayer.org
Ivan & Linda Doxtator, Founders/Directors, First Nations Restoration Ministries, www.firstnationsrestoration.org
KC DickieFounder/President, Mighty Men Movement/Million Man Call to Prayer, mensequippingnetwork.commightymenmovement.org
Phil Eberhart, Co-Director, Colorado Prays, www.coprays.orgConvener, 10 Days of Prayer Metro Denver, 10daystogether.blogspot.com
Dallas Eggemeyer, CEO/Chair, Lightbearers International, www.LightbearersInternational.org
Amy Everette, Co-Director, Colorado Prays, www.coprays.org, Founder, One Voice for Transformation, www.onevoice4t.org 
Mohamad Amin Faridi, Founder/Director, Destination Ministries, www.dnmi.org, President, Iranian Christians International, www.iranchristians.org, Author of the Book, Forsaking My Father's Religion
Randy Forbes, U.S. Representative, VA 4th District (2001–2017), President/Co-Founder, Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation, cpcfoundation.com
Brian Gibbs, Founder, Light the Fire Ministries, www.lightthefireministries.org, Founder/Lead Pastor, Victory Church, Sarasota, FL, victoryfla.com
Netz Gomez, Senior Pastor, Houses of Light, Northridge, CA, www.housesoflight.org
Dai Sup Han, National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!, www.prayersurgenow.net, Convener, Transform USA National Prayer Calls, transformusa.info, National Prayer Coordinator, Promise Keepers, www.promisekeepers.org
Ken Harrison, Chairman/CEO, Promise Keepers, www.promisekeepers.org
Lewis Hogan, Founder/President, United Cry, www.unitedcry.org, Coordinator, Dallas-Fort Worth Prays, www.dfwprays.org
Herbert Hong, International Director, Korea World Mission Association, www.kwma.org, IMB-Persian Europe Refugee Team Leader, Church On The Road- Coordinator
Kay Horner, Executive Director, Awakening America Alliance, www.awakeningamerica.us  
Saeed Hosseini, Founder/Director, Global 365 Prayer Network, www.prayerpavilion.org  
Summer Ingram, National Director of Prayer and Mobilization, Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation, www.CPCFoundation.com  
Kevin Jessip, Visionary/Convener, THE RETURN, www.thereturn.org, President, Global Strategic Alliance, gsaministries.org
Paul Kang, Silk Road Forum
Timmerle Kelly, Executive Director, Reformation Prayer Network, founded by Mike and Cindy Jacobs of Generals International, www.generals.org
Alveda King, Civil Rights Leader for the Unborn and Author of the Book, We're Not Colorblind, www.alvedaking.comwww.priestsforlife.org
Andrea Lafferty, President, Women for a Great America, www.facebook.com/womenforagreatamerica, Convener, 50 Days of Blessing, www.50daysofblessing.org 
Bill Landers, Director, Men for Nations West, www.men4nations.com
Pastor Fred Lunsford, WWII Veteran, Visionary/Convener, Praying on the Mountain, www.prayingonthemountain.org
Chris Mitchell, Middle East Bureau Chief, CBN News, www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/israelHost of Jerusalem Dateline, www1.cbn.com/tv/jerusalem-dateline
John Moore, Co-Founder/Director, Houston 24/7 Altar, National Facilitator, ISRAEL Prayer Surge NOW!  
Michael & Keziah Obi, Executive Director, African Strategic Leadership Prayer Network, www.aslpn.org, Wailing Women Worldwide, www.wailingwomenworldwide.org
Clark Osborn, Midwest North Regional Field Director, Promise Keepers, www.promisekeepers.org
Allan Parker, President, The Justice Foundation, www.thejusticefoundation.org, Co-Author, The Moral Outcry, www.themoraloutcry.com
Ramin Parsa, Founder/Director, Redemptive Love Ministry International, www.raminparsa.org, Author of the Book, From Ashes to Glory
Randy Powell, Director, Men for Nations Heartland, www.men4nations.com, Kansas State Field Director, Promise Keepers, www.promisekeepers.org
Ann Quest, Founder/Director, Unity Quest
Tim & Sandy Ravan, Founders/Directors, Global Connectors, www.globalconnectors.org
Cyril & Jemima Rayan, Founders, The Potter's Ministries, www.pottersministries.org  
Art Remington, Jr., National Ambassador-at-Large, Promise Keepers, www.promisekeepers.org
John Robb, Chairman, International Prayer Council, www.ipcpray.orgConvener, National Prayer Assembly, www.nationalprayerassembly.org
Alec Rowlands, Senior Pastor, Westgate Chapel, Edmonds, WA, www.westgatechapel.comFounder and President, Church Awakeningwww.churchawakening.com, Author of the Book, The Presence: Experiencing More of God
Cynthia Scott, Church Ministry, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, www.bgea.org
Hormoz ShariatFounder/PresidentIran Alive Ministries, www.iranaliveministries.org, Author of the Book, Iran's Great Awakening
Tom Smith, Board Member,  Men for Nations West, www.men4nations.com, Host Team, Prayer Surge NOW!, www.prayersurgenow.net
Matthew SmolerIntercessory Missionary, International House of Prayer, Kansas Citywww.ihopkc.org
Mark Spengler, Director, Gateway Prayer Garden, www.gatewayprayergarden.org
Doug Stringer, Founder/President, Somebody Cares International, somebodycares.org
Greg Winslow, Director, Hidden Manna Ministries, Convener, If My People, www.hiddenmannaministries.org
Robert Wolff, President, Majestic Glory, www.awakening1.orgFounder, Sign the O.A.T.H. Project, www.signtheoath.org

Sunday, November 1, 2020

16 Hours of ELECTION DAY PRAYER CALL, This Tue 11/3: Interceding Together for GOD's Deliverance and Destiny of Our Nation!

Invitations to Post Election Praise & Prayer
  • Attention Men: Promise Keepers Men's Prayer CallTOMORROW, Wednesday, 11/4, 2-3 pm Eastern  Call: 605-475-4797  Code: 336718#  Mute: *6
  • Inviting Men & Women: Transform USA National Prayer Call, THIS Thursday, 11/5, 11 am-12:30 pm Eastern  Call: 712-770-4010  Code: 900655#  Mute: *6 
  • Prayer Surge NOW! 11/7 National Conference Call, THIS Saturday Morning for Israel, Middle East, 7:30-9 am Eastern & America, 9-11 am Eastern  Call: 605-475-4797  Code: 336718#  Mute: *6

Inviting the Body of Christ to
The 16 Hours of  ELECTION DAY
PRAYER Call Across America
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
8:00 am-Midnight Eastern, 7:00 am-11:00 pm Central,
6:00 am-10:00 pm Mountain, 5:00 am-9:00 pm Pacific,
4:00 am-8:00 pm Alaska, 3:00 am-7:00 pm Hawaii
Call: 605-475-4797  Code: 336718#  Mute: *6
Desperate United Intercession for GOD's
Deliverance and Destiny of Our Nation!
Inviting the Body of Christ to participate in any portion(s) of 16 hours of continuous teleconference prayer call hosted/supported by 70+ regional, national, international ministries/prayer networks listed below.  Additional information & updates to be posted on www.nationalhighwayofprayer.net. Contact: nationalhighwayofprayer@gmail.com  

ELECTION DAY PRAYER CALL Hourly Schedule in Eastern Time
Subject to change & additional ministries/servant leaders to be confirmed.

8-9 am Eastern
Ministries Serving Together: International Prayer Council, National Prayer Assembly, First Nations Restoration, National DAILY Prayer Call, The Justice Foundation, The Moral Outcry  With Servant Leaders: John Robb, Ivan & Linda Doxtator, Allan Parker, Dai Sup Han

9-10 am Eastern
Ministries Serving Together: Promise Keepers, Men for Nations, Men for Nations West, Men for Nations Heartland  With Servant Leaders: Judge Vance Day, Pastor Art Remington, Jr., Tom Smith, Bill Landers, Randy Powell
10-11 am Eastern
Ministries Serving Together: National Prayer Committee, All Tribes DC, Two Rivers Native American Training Center, Harvest Prayer Ministries  With Servant Leaders: Dr. Negiel Bigpond, Dave Butts, Confirmed National Committee Members 

11 am-12 pm Eastern
Ministries Serving Together: Transform World, Transform USA, Praying on the Mountain, African Strategic Leadership Prayer Network, Wailing Women Worldwide, America Transformation Company, Prayer Surge NOW!, ISRAEL Prayer Surge NOW!, Houston 24/7 Altar, The Potter's Ministries  With Servant Leaders: Dr. Luis Bush, Mark Beliles, WWII Vet Fred Lunsford, Aziz Aslami, Allan Beeber, Pastor Cyril & Jemima Rayan,  Pastor Michael & Keziah Obi, John Moore, Dai Sup Han

12-1 pm Eastern
Ministry Serving: Generals International/Reformation Prayer Network, Light the Fire Ministries, Women for a Great America, 50 Days of Blessing  With Servant Leaders: Pastor Brian Gibbs, Andrea Lafferty, Timmerle Kelly, Confirmed Regional/State Generals

1-2 pm Eastern
Ministries Serving Together: Capitol Worship, Unity Quest, United Cry, Dallas-Fort Worth Prays, Texas Intercessory Team  With Servant Leaders: Dan Cummins, Ann Quest, Lewis Hogan

2-3 pm Eastern
Ministries Serving Together: Alveda King Ministries, Priests for Life, Promise Keepers, SpeakHope  With Servant Leaders: Evangelist Alveda King, Ken Harrison, Cindy Collins

3-4 pm Eastern
Ministries Serving Together: CBN News Middle East/Jerusalem Dateline, Awakening The ONE NEW Man, Majestic Glory, Reconnecting Ministries, International House of Prayer Kansas City  With Servant Leaders: Chris Mitchell, Grant Berry, Matthew Smoler, Robert Wolff
4-5 pm Eastern  
Ministries Serving Together: Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation, Awakening America Alliance, Lightbearers International  With Servant Leaders: Congressman Randy Forbes, Summer Ingram, Kay Horner, Dallas Eggemeyer

5-6 pm Eastern
Ministries Serving Together: The Return, Global Strategic Alliance, Pray California, Pray Oregon, Washington Prays, Church Awakening  With Servant Leaders: Kevin Jessip, Pastor Alec Rowlands, Maryal Boumann, Peter Carlson, Virginia Chapman

6-7 pm Eastern
Ministry Serving: National Day of Prayer Task Force, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association  With Servant Leaders: Kathy Branzell, Cynthia Scott, Gwen Bradley, Confirmed National Area Leaders & State Coordinators

7-8 pm Eastern
Ministries Serving Together: Korea World Mission Association, Family Research Council, Silk Road Forum, Iran Alive Ministries, Global 365 Prayer Network/Prayer Pavilion, Iranian Christians International, Redemptive Love Ministry International  With Servant Leaders: Herbert Hong, Rev. Pierre Bynum, Dr Hormoz Shariat, Paul Kang, Saeed Hosseini, Mohamad Amin Faridi, Ramin Parsa, Dai Sup Han

8-9 pm Eastern
Ministries Serving Together: The Missionary Church International, New Hope Bible School, Global Connectors  With Servant Leaders: Bishop Robert Coulter, Pastor Wayne Cordeiro, Tim & Sandy Ravan
9-10 pm Eastern
Ministries Serving Together: Gateway Prayer Garden, Colorado Prays, 10 Days Together Metro Denver, One Voice for Transformation  With Servant Leaders: General Patrick Caruana USAF ret, Mark Spengler, Father Phil Eberhart, Amy Everette

10-11 pm Eastern
Ministries Serving Together: First Nations Restoration, Somebody Cares International, Somebody Cares Tampa Bay, 50 Day Fight, Mighty Men Movement/Million Men Call to Prayer, Funding for Life, Canada   With Servant Leaders: Ivan & Linda Doxtator, Doug Stringer, Daniel Bernard, KC Dickie, Stephen Davis, Dai Sup Han
11 pm-Midnight
Ministry Serving: Capitol Hill Prayer Partners  With Servant Leaders: Sara Ballenger, CHPP Intercessors Across America

Confirmed Servant Leaders in alphabetical order (as of 11/2):
Aziz Aslami, Founder/Director, His Message for the Gospel, Serving with IMB-Persian Europe Refugee Team 
Sara BallengerPresident, Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, www.capitolhillprayer.org
Allan Beeber, Ph.D., Trends Forecaster
Mark Beliles, President, American Transformation Company, www.americatransformationcompany.com, North America Facilitator, Transform World Movement, www.transform-world.net
Dan Bernard, Founder/President, Somebody Cares Tampa Bay, www.sctb.org, Convener, 50 Day Fight, www.50dayfight.com
Grant Berry, Founder, Reconnecting Ministries and Author of the Book, Romans 911, www.reconnectingministries.org
Negiel Bigpond, Convener, All Tribes DC, October 1-2, www.alltribesdc.org, Co-founder/Director, Two Rivers Native American Training Center, www.2-rivers.com 
Maryal Boumann, Director, PRAY CALIFORNIA, www.praycalifornia.org
Gwen Bradley,  Mobilization Assistant & Southeast  National Area Leader, National Day of Prayer Task Force, www.nationaldayofprayer.org
Kathy Branzell, President, National Day of Prayer Task Force, www.nationaldayofprayer.org
Luis Bush, Servant, Transform World 2020, www.transform-world.net, Chancellor, Cornerstone International University
Dave Butts, President, Harvest Prayer Ministries, www.harvestprayer.com, Chairman, National Prayer Committee, www.nationalprayercommittee.com
Pierre BynumNational Prayer Director and Chaplain, Family Research Council, www.frc.org
Peter Carlson, Leadership Team, Pray Oregon, www.prayoregon.org, Oregon State Co-Coordinator, National Day of Prayer Task Force, www.nationaldayofprayer.org
Patrick CaruanaLieutenant General, United States Air Force, 1957-1997, Men's Ministry, Westover Hills Church, San Antonio, TX, westoverhills.church
Virginia Chapman, Leadership Team, Washington Prays, www.americaprays.org/washington, Prayer Coordinator, Church Awakening, www.churchawakening.com
Cindy Collins, Founder, SpeakHope, www.speakhope.net, Advisor to Operation Outcry, www.operationoutcry.org
Wayne Cordeiro, Senior Pastor, New Hope Oahu, enewhope.org, New Hope Church, President, New Hope Christian College, www2.newhope.edu
Bob Coulter, Senior Bishop, The Missionary Church International, www.tmciworld.com
Dan Cummins, Founder/Executive Director, www.capitolworshipministry.net  
Stephen Davis, Chief Global Strategist, Promise Keepers, www.promisekeepers.org, Chairman, Funding for Life, fundingforlife.ca
Vance Day, President, Promise Keepers, www.promisekeepers.org
Ivan & Linda Doxtator, Founders/Directors, First Nations Restoration Ministries, www.firstnationsrestoration.org
KC DickieFounder/President, Mighty Men Movement/Million Man Call to Prayer, mensequippingnetwork.commightymenmovement.org
Phil Eberhart, Co-Director, Colorado Prays, www.coprays.orgConvener, 10 Days of Prayer Metro Denver, 10daystogether.blogspot.com
Dallas Eggemeyer, CEO/Chair, Lightbearers International, www.LightbearersInternational.org
Amy Everette, Co-Director, Colorado Prays, www.coprays.org, Founder, One Voice for Transformation, www.onevoice4t.org 
Mohamad Amin Faridi, Founder/Director, Destination Ministries, www.dnmi.org, President, Iranian Christians International, www.iranchristians.org, Author of the Book, Forsaking My Father's Religion
Randy Forbes, U.S. Representative, VA 4th District (2001–2017), President/Co-Founder, Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation, cpcfoundation.com
Brian Gibbs, Founder, Light the Fire Ministries, www.lightthefireministries.org, Founder/Lead Pastor, Victory Church, Sarasota, FL, victoryfla.com
Dai Sup Han, National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!, www.prayersurgenow.net, Convener, Transform USA National Prayer Calls, transformusa.info, National Prayer Coordinator, Promise Keepers, www.promisekeepers.org
Ken Harrison, Chairman/CEO, Promise Keepers, www.promisekeepers.org
Lewis Hogan, Founder/President, United Cry, www.unitedcry.org, Coordinator, Dallas-Fort Worth Prays, www.dfwprays.org
Herbert Hong, International Director, Korea World Mission Association, www.kwma.org, IMB-Persian Europe Refugee Team Leader, Church On The Road- Coordinator
Kay Horner, Executive Director, Awakening America Alliance, www.awakeningamerica.us  
Saeed Hosseini, Founder/Director, Global 365 Prayer Network, www.prayerpavilion.org  
Summer Ingram, National Director of Prayer and Mobilization, Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation, www.CPCFoundation.com  
Kevin Jessip, Visionary/Convener, THE RETURN, www.thereturn.org, President, Global Strategic Alliance, gsaministries.org
Paul Kang, Silk Road Forum
Timmerle Kelly, Executive Director, Reformation Prayer Network, founded by Mike and Cindy Jacobs of Generals International, www.generals.org
Alveda King, Civil Rights Leader for the Unborn and Author of the Book, We're Not Colorblind, www.alvedaking.comwww.priestsforlife.org
Andrea Lafferty, President, Women for a Great America, www.facebook.com/womenforagreatamerica, Convener, 50 Days of Blessing, www.50daysofblessing.org 
Bill Landers, Director, Men for Nations West, www.men4nations.com
Pastor Fred Lunsford, WWII Veteran, Visionary/Convener, Praying on the Mountain, www.prayingonthemountain.org
Chris Mitchell, Middle East Bureau Chief, CBN News, www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/israelHost of Jerusalem Dateline, www1.cbn.com/tv/jerusalem-dateline
John Moore, Co-Founder/Director, Houston 24/7 Altar, National Facilitator, ISRAEL Prayer Surge NOW!  
Michael & Keziah Obi, Executive Director, African Strategic Leadership Prayer Network, www.aslpn.org, Wailing Women Worldwide, www.wailingwomenworldwide.org
Allan Parker, President, The Justice Foundation, www.thejusticefoundation.org, Co-Author, The Moral Outcry, www.themoraloutcry.com
Ramin Parsa, Founder/Director, Redemptive Love Ministry International, www.raminparsa.org, Author of the Book, From Ashes to Glory
Randy Powell, Director, Men for Nations Heartland, www.men4nations.com, Kansas State Field Director, Promise Keepers, www.promisekeepers.org
Ann Quest, Founder/Director, Unity Quest
Tim & Sandy Ravan, Founders/Directors, Global Connectors, www.globalconnectors.org
Cyril & Jemima Rayan, Founders, The Potter's Ministries, www.pottersministries.org  
Art Remington, Jr., National Ambassador-at-Large, Promise Keepers, www.promisekeepers.org
John Robb, Chairman, International Prayer Council, www.ipcpray.orgConvener, National Prayer Assembly, www.nationalprayerassembly.org
Alec Rowlands, Senior Pastor, Westgate Chapel, Edmonds, WA, www.westgatechapel.comFounder and President, Church Awakeningwww.churchawakening.com, Author of the Book, The Presence: Experiencing More of God
Cynthia Scott, Church Ministry, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, www.bgea.org
Hormoz ShariatFounder/PresidentIran Alive Ministries, www.iranaliveministries.org, Author of the Book, Iran's Great Awakening
Tom Smith, Board Member,  Men for Nations West, www.men4nations.com, Host Team, Prayer Surge NOW!, www.prayersurgenow.net
Matthew SmolerIntercessory Missionary, International House of Prayer, Kansas Citywww.ihopkc.org
Mark Spengler, Director, Gateway Prayer Garden, www.gatewayprayergarden.org
Doug Stringer, Founder/President, Somebody Cares International, somebodycares.org
Robert Wolff, President, Majestic Glory, www.awakening1.orgFounder, Sign the O.A.T.H. Project, www.signtheoath.org