Welcome to National Highway of Prayer. Let us prepare a HIGHWAY for OUR GOD (Isaiah 40:3 & 62:10)
as we walk TOGETHER as ONE (John 13:34-35 & 17:20-23). Contact: prayersurgenow@gmail.com

Monday, January 30, 2017

Pray for President Trump and US Senate

Dear Fellow Intercessors:

TOMORROW EVENINGTuesday, January 31, 8 pm Eastern, President Trump will announce his choice for the Supreme Court of the United States.  Filling the empty seat vacated by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia on February 13, 2016, could be the most important decision of Trump presidency.  Please intercede for President Trump.

IN ADDITION, we must contend for God's choice to be confirmed through the United States Senate.  We must prevail in prayer to secure a new justice "in the mold of Scalia" who will choose life over death and interpret the US Constitution as intended - through God's Word.  Please intercede for the US Senate.     

Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. ~ Hebrews 4:16

Together in Christ,
Dai Sup Han, Prayer Surge NOW!
for Allan Parker, The Justice Foundation
& Cindy Collins, Operation Outcry

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Tomorrow is March for Life & National Conf Call Prayer Opportunities

TOMORROW, Friday, January 27 is the Annual National
Let us intercede for sanctity of life and
protect babies in their mothers' womb!

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners Bible Readathon
Midnight-6 am EST using 712-770-4340, code 350430#

Daily Morning Prayer Call for AmericaSun-Fri, 8-9 am EST
Call: 712-432-0075  Code: 6149782#  Mute: *6

24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call during
The First 100 Days of Trump Administration
until April 29 using 712-770-4340, code 543555#

Prayer Surge NOW! 1/28
This Saturday Morning, January 28, 7:30-11 am Eastern
Call: 712-432-0075  Code: 6149782#  Mute: *6
Special Focus: The 24/7 Prayer Movement
 and Transformation of Cities and Nations

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

I received a book titled "Dirty Glory" by Pete Greig (also the co-author of "Red Moon Rising") as a Christmas gift, and reading through it has increased my passion to inspire and mobilize prayer across America and beyond.  Would you join me for Prayer Surge NOW! 1/28 National Conference Call, this Saturday morning with a special focus on the impact of the 24/7 prayer movement in cities and nations?

Here is how Prayer Surge NOW 1/28 is shaping up in Eastern Timeusing 712-432-0075, code 6149782# (please be sure to adjust for your time zone):

7:30-8:30 am  Weekly Intercession for Israel, Middle East, Ukraine, US Military with Tom Smith, Al McCarn, Don Finto.  Let us intercede for Peace of Jerusalem, salvation of Jews and Muslims, and GLOBAL AWAKENING!

8:30-9:00 am  Washington DC Praise Report - We will respond to praise reports from PSN friends/partners who traveled to Washington DC for President Trump's inauguration including Dr. Alveda KingCivil Rights Leader for the Unborn, Pastor Associate for Priests for Life and Director of Alveda King Ministries, the Author of the new book, America Return to God, contributor to Fox News Channel, click here; and Andie Rice, National Day of Prayer State Coordinator for Alaska, Facilitating Team Member for Daily Morning Prayer for America.

9:00-11:00 am  SPECIAL FOCUS: The 24/7 Prayer Movement and Transformation of Cities and Nations - The children of God are being inspired by the Word of God and the Spirit of God to pursue day and night, and night and day intercession towards transformation of cities/nations and global awakening.  Join us for incredible testimonies of answered prayers shared by our guest speakers (listed below) and transforming intercession together:  
  • Jason Hubbard, City-Wide/Reginal 24/7 Prayer, Whatcom County, WA, www.lowpc.org
  • Brian Alarid, New Mexico Prays - State-Wide 24/7 Prayer, www.newmexicoprays.org
  • Gary Aupperle, Senior Pastor, Hope Missionary Church, Bluffton, IN, www.hope4thefamily.com (to be confirmed)
  • Maureen Bravo, Dallas Eggemeyer, Ioan Peia, 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Calls
  • Steve Buss, One Church - One Day - One Hope, Eugene/Springfield, OR, www.onehopenetwork.org.  
  • Gwen Bradley, Network Assistant and National Area Leader- Southeast, National Day of Prayer Task Force, www.nationaldayofprayer.org, and Rex Tonkins, Colorado State Coordinator, National Day of Prayer, Founder/Director, The Destiny Project, www.youhaveadestiny.orgwill assist in leading prayer with Dai Sup Han and Peter Carlson serving as facilitators.  
You are welcome to participate in any portion of PSN 1/28 and share this invitation with fellow praying brothers and sisters.  Thank you!

Together in Christ,
Dai Sup Han
National Facilitator
Prayer Surge NOW!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

This Week's Important Prayer Opportunities

USA Trumpet Call Prayer Gatherings in Washington DC
January 16-20, click herecontact maureen@libertyprayernet.org

Please Intercede Presidential Inaugural Prayer Breakfast

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners Bible Readathon
Midnight-6 am EST using 712-770-4340, code 350430#

Daily Morning Prayer Call for AmericaSun-Fri, 8-9 am EST
Call: 712-432-0075  Code: 6149782#  Mute: *6

Attention: 24/7 National Strategic Prayer Call to include
The First 100 Days of Trump Administration
until April 29 using 712-770-4340, code 543555#

Prayer Surge NOW! 1/21
This Saturday Morning, January 21, 7:30-11 am Eastern
Call: 712-432-0075  Code: 6149782#  Mute: *6
Invited Guest Speakers:
Boris Grisenko
Messianic Jewish Rabbi and Senior Pastor,
Kiev Jewish Messianic Congregation, Ukraine
Jeff Anderson
President, International Bible Conference
Michael Bartel
Founder/Executive Director, F.R.E.E. International

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

6th Annual TOGETHER for Ending Human Trafficking National Conference Call Prayer, This Sat, 1/14, 9-11 am Eastern

Calling the Body of the Living Christ to
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Prevention, Justice, Freedom, Restoration

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

For the past 5 years, Prayer Surge NOW! has hosted TOGETHER for Ending of Human Trafficking National Conference Call Prayer on the 2nd Saturday of the New Year.  This coming Saturday  morning, January 149-11 am Eastern, we will once again gather heart-to-heart from coast-to-coast to continue our journey in the Intercessory-Abolition Movement (I.A.M.).  A company of abolitionists and prayer ministry leaders have been invited to lead us in becoming the VOICE for the VOICELESS victims of modern day slavery.  Please consider participating in releasing the Father's presence, justice and freedom for the captives.

Please connect using 712-432-0075, code 6149782# for the 6th Annual TOGETHER for Ending Human Trafficking in partnership with 30+ servant leaders representing multitude of cities, states, ministries across America.  Please read the details below and respond to Facebook invitation, click HERE.  You are welcome to join us during any portion of this historic national conference call and share this invitation with fellow praying brothers and sisters.  Thank you!

Together in Christ,
Dai Sup Han
National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!

An Open Invitation to the Body of Christ
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6th Annual TOGETHER for Ending Human Trafficking
Nat'l Conf Call PrayerThis Saturday Morning, Jan 14
9-11 am Eastern, 8-10 am Central, 7-9 am Mountain,
6-8 am Pacific, 5-7 am Alaska, 4-6 am Hawaii
Call: 712-432-0075  Code: 6149782#  Mute: *6
Slavery and Trafficking, Jan 13-15, 2017

Respond and invite others using Facebook, click here.
For promo video of 2017 NWOP, click here.
Please read the Official Agenda/Schedule below in Eastern Time:

9:00-9:10 am Eastern
Dai Sup Han
Co-Founder, National Weekend of Prayer (NWOP)
to End Slavery and Trafficking, www.nwoprayer.org,
National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!, www.prayersurgenow.net
Opening Prayers of Blessing 
Ivan and Linda Doxtator
Founders/Directors, First Nations Counseling Ministries, www.fncm.us
Gwen Bradley
Network Assistant and National Area Leader- Southeast,
National Day of Prayer Task Force, www.nationaldayofprayer.org
Tomas Lares
Founder, National Weekend of Prayer (NWOP)
to End Slavery and Trafficking, www.nwoprayer.org
Founder/Executive Director, Florida Abolitionist, www.floridaabolitionist.org

9:10-9:35 am Eastern
Calling the Body of Christ to I.A.M.
Intercessory-Abolition Movement
Joel Hunter
Senior Pastor, Northland Church, Orlando, Florida, www.northlandchurch.net,
Author of several books, including "A New Kind of Conservative,"
"Church Distributed" and "Inner State 80," www.pastorjoelhunter.com
Alveda King
Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,
Director, African American Outreach with Priests for Life, 
Founder/Director, Alveda King Ministries, www.alvedakingministries.com
Sara Ballenger
Founder/President, Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, www.chpponline.blogspot.com
Summer Ingram
National Prayer Director, Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation,
Nga Dang
California State Coordinator, ASK Network, www.asknetwork.net
Jennie Fournier
Director, The Greater Boston Prayer and Action Network, www.gbpan.com

9:35-10:00 am Eastern
Unity in I.A.M. - United Abolitionists 
Tomas Lares 
Founder, National Weekend of Prayer (NWOP)
to End Slavery and Trafficking, www.nwoprayer.org
Founder/Executive Director, Florida Abolitionist, www.floridaabolitionist.org
Timmerle Kelly
Executive Director, Reformation Prayer Network, www.generals.org
Bev Dennen
Leadership Team, ASK Network, www.asknetwork.net
Serving with Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, www.chpponline.blogspot.com
Susan Carter
Co-founder/Admin for North County Abolitionists,
Dallas Eggemeyer
CEO/Chair, Lightbearers International, www.lightbearersinternational.org,
Serving on Leadership Team, 24/7 Strategic National Prayer
Cindy Collins
Founder/Advocate, Speak Hope, www.speakhope.net
Global Coordinator, Operation Outcry, www.operationoutcry.org 

10:00-10:25 am Eastern
I.A.M. for Justice and Freedom
Benji Nolot
Founder/President, Exodus Cry, www.exoduscry.com
Director/Producer/Writer, Nefarious: Merchant of Souls,
Patti Townley-Covert
Serving with Every One Free and CARE18,
Maryal Boumann
Director, PRAY CALIFORNIA, www.praycalifornia.org
Taechin "TC" Kim
National Facilitator, Transform USA, www.transformusa.org
Ernest Spears
Founder/President, Inspired Productions Inc., www.inspiredproductions.org
Maureen Bravo
International Director, Liberty Prayer Network, www.lc.org/project/prayer,
Serving on Leadership Team, 24/7 Strategic National Prayer
Dwight Johnson
Founder/Director, Men with a Purpose Movement,
Nineteen Successful Men" and "The Transparent Leader II,"
Bill Landers
Director, Men for Nations West, www.men4nations.com

10:25-10:50 am Eastern
Calling for I.A.M. in Greater Houston Area,
Super Bowl LI Outreach, Until February 5
Nita Belles
Managing Director, In Our Backyard, www.inourbackyard.org
Central Oregon Regional Director, Oregonians Against Trafficking Humans,
John Moore
Houston Area Servant Leader
Coordinating Intercession for Super Bowl Outreach
Rickie Bradshaw
Senior Pastor, First Southwest Baptist, Church Consultant,
Union Baptist Association, www.ubahouston.org
David Walding
Houston Area Servant Leader/Intercessor
Rick Torrison
Serving with Somebody Cares International, www.somebodycares.org
April De Pretis
Serving with Youth With A Mission, www.ywam.org and
Ventura County Coalition Against Human Trafficking, www.vccaht.org

10:50-11:00 am Eastern
I.A.M. Throughout America and Beyond
Closing Comment
Dai Sup Han
Co-Founder, NWOP, www.nwoprayer.org
National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!, www.prayersurgenow.net
Netz Gomez
Senior Pastor, Houses of Light, Northridge, CA, www.housesoflight.org
Tim and Sandy Ravan
Founders/Directors, Global Connectors, www.globalconnectors.org
Robert Wolff
Founder/President, Majestic Glory, www.awakening1.com
Executive Editor of the Book, UNITY: Awakening the One New Man
Serving with CARE18, www.care18.org

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Let US be the VOICE for the VOICELESS and

End Slavery NOW!