Welcome to National Highway of Prayer. Let us prepare a HIGHWAY for OUR GOD (Isaiah 40:3 & 62:10)
as we walk TOGETHER as ONE (John 13:34-35 & 17:20-23). Contact: prayersurgenow@gmail.com

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

UNITED PRAYER FOR OUR MILITARY Nat'l Conf Call, this Sat, 5/23, 8:30-11AM Eastern


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Inviting the Body of Christ to United Intercession
National Conference Call Prayer Gathering
Across America for the United States Military
Saturday, May 23, In Advance of Memorial Day
8:30-11 am Eastern, 7:30-10 am Central, 6:30-9 am Mountain
5:30-8 am Pacific, 4:30-7 am Alaska, 2:30-5 am Hawaii
Call: 712-432-0075  Code: 6149782#  Mute: *6

Please read details below and visit 
Facebook Event: United Prayer for Our Military

Several veterans of the United States Military (see our growing list of "Veterans Confirmed as Speakers") will join us to provide critical prayer points for military personnel and their families on this special national conference call prayer. Together we will honor those who paid the ultimate price on the battlefields and intercede for the airmen, sailors, soldiers, marines, coast guards and national/state guards.  We will also include urgent prayers for those suffering from PTSD, chaplains facing tremendous restriction, famlies of our fallen heroes, retirees in positions of great influences, and Monday's Memorial Day events in DC and across America.  Please assist in promoting this UNITED PRAYER FOR OUR MILITARY during Prayer Surge NOW! 5/23 this Saturday morning, immediately after our weekly prayer for Israel, Middle East, Ukraine.  

Here is our schedule/agenda with honored guest speakers for this Saturday, 8:30-11:00 am Eastern (please adjust for your time zone):
  • 8:30-9:00  Introduction/Vision and Prayers of Honoring Our Fallen Heroes: LTC Al McCarn, US Army (retired); Maj Thomas Smith, Tenn. State Guard (active); Lt Col Glenn Wright, USAF (active)
  • 9:00-9:30  Prayers for Military Chaplains and Healing from PTSD: Maj Gen Bentley B. Rayburn, USAF (retired); Chaplain (MAJ) Mark Benz, US Army (retired) 
  • 9:30-10:00  Prayers for Unity, Special Operations, Military Families: RADL Thomas "Hank" Bond, USN (retired); Sargent E-5 Steve Haynes, US Army (retired)
  • 10:00-10:45  Prayers for The Father Heart of God for Every Branch of Our Military: MAJ Young-il Chae, US Army (retired); LCDR O-4 Kurt Danis, USN (retired); PVT Ted Beckett, USMC; Captain Carl Mosebach, USCG (retired); Chaplain Joseph Walsh, Calif. Air Nat'l Guard (retired)
  • 10:45-11:00  Prayers for The Body of Christ as Blessing to Our Military: Lt Gen Patrick P. Caruana, USAF (retired) 
Let us engage in UNITED PRAYER FOR OUR MILITARY Thank you! Dai Sup Han, National Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW!

Veterans Confirmed as  Speakers 
as of 5/21, listed in alphabetical order

PFC Ted Beckett, USMC
Korean War Veteran
Founder of Mediterranean-Dead Sea Project

Chaplain (MAJ) Mark Benz, US Army (retired)
Advocate for Combat Veterans
Serving with Men for Nations

RADL Thomas "Hank" Bond, USN (retired) 
Served as J6 for NORAD/US Northern Command 
and also for US Forces-Iraq

Lt Gen Patrick P. Caruana, USAF (retired) 
Served on Board of Directors, Focus on the Family
Men's Ministry Leader

MAJ Young-il Chae, US Army (retired) 
Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran 
Pastor in Southern California

LCDR O-4 Kurt Danis, USN (retired)
Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran
Ambassador in Christ's Kingdom

Sargent E-5 Steve Haynes, US Army (retired)
Vietnam War Veteran
Serving on Navigators Leadership Team

LTC Al McCarn, US Army (retired)
Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran
Prayer Surge NOW! Co-Host

Captain Carl Mosebach, USCG (retired)
Serving with Christian Educators Assoc Int'l
Advocate "4/14 Window"

Maj Gen Bentley B. Rayburn, USAF (retired)
Served as Commandant of USAF War College
Advocate for Military Chaplains

Maj Thomas Smith, Tenn. State Guard (active)
Assistant HHC Command Staff Judge Advocate
Prayer Surge NOW! Co-Host

Chaplain Joseph Walsh, Calif. Air Nat'l Guard (retired)
Served as Missionary to Brazil
Mobilizer of City/State/Nat'l Prayer Movement

Lt Col Glenn Wright, USAF (active)
Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran
Prayer Surge NOW! Intercessor  

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