Welcome to National Highway of Prayer. Let us prepare a HIGHWAY for OUR GOD (Isaiah 40:3 & 62:10)
as we walk TOGETHER as ONE (John 13:34-35 & 17:20-23). Contact: prayersurgenow@gmail.com

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Join Us for a Special 4th of July Nat'l Conf Call: Declaration of Dependence in Christ & Independence from the World

   4th of July Invitation to the Body of Christ
Californians for JESUS 
1st Thursday Conference Call with
Calif, Nat'l and Int'l Servant Leaders
Confirmed List Below

Thursday Morning 7.4.13 
4th of July, 8-9am Pacific

Declaring Our Dependence in JESUS,
Interdependence in One Another 
and Independence from the World

  712-432-0075, Access Code 6149782#

A list of confirmed servant leaders in presentation order (as of 7/3):
Rickie Bradshaw
Senior Pastor, First Southwest Baptist, Houston
Church Consultant, Union Baptist Association
TC Kim
National Facilitator, Transform USA, CO
Maryal Boumann
Director, Pray California, Placerville, CA
 Netz Gomez
Senior Pastor, Houses of Light, Northridge, CA
 Founder/Director, Aviva Movement
www.housesoflight.net, www.avivamovement.com 
Shari Bonnard
NorCal Coordinator, National Day of Prayer, Sacramento, CA
Michael Griffiths
Coordinator, 40 Days of Hope, El Cajon, CA
Greg Gordan
Founder/Director, Sermon Index, Georgia
Facilitator, Gospel Fellowships
www.sermonindex.net, www.gospelfellowships.net
Jonathan Friz
Visionary, 10 Days of Prayer, Massachusetts
Facilitator, New England Alliance
www.10days.net, www.newenglandalliance.blogspot.com 
John Robb
Chairman, International Prayer Council, New Mexico
International Facilitator, World Prayer Assembly 2012
www.ipcprayer.org, www.wpa2012.org

Dai Sup Han, Convener, 4th of July Conference Call
Facilitator, Prayer Surge Now and Californians for JESUS
Visionary, TheFatherHeart6.15.13, Serving with YWAM Chico, CA

For updates, visit www.nationalhighwayofprayer.net
Contact CA4Jesus@gmail.com