Please join us for ONE or more hours during this
Special National Conference Call Prayer:
Daniel 9 “Identificational Repentance”
For the Sins of the Church
Sunday, September 11, 2011
8:00 am – 8:00 pm Eastern
Connect with Pastors/Rabbis, Ministry Leaders & Intercessors
Across North America in the Spirit of John 17:20-23 using
712-432-0075 & code 6149782#
Growing List of Pastors/Rabbis/Leaders Together for 9/11/11… TEN YEARS LATER
(Eastern Time Schedule, Focus of Repentance & Leadership Team for Each Hour)
8am-9am The Broken Covenant
Mary Bruce, Northeastern States National Area Leader, National Day of Prayer Task Force, www.ndptf.org
Darrell & Lorrie Fields, Authors of the Book, “The Seed of a Nation: Rediscovering America,” www.seedofanation.com
Dave Kubal, President, Intercessors for America, www.ifaprayer.org
Mary Carolyn Ludwig, Former Member of Leadership Team, ASK Network International, www.asknetwork.net
Joseph Walsh, Western States National Area Leader, National Day of Prayer Task Force, www.ndptf.org & CEO, California Fellowship Foundation, www.californiafellowshipfoundation.org
9am-10am Bloodshed of the Innocent
Brenda Dowdin, Director, Women’s Resource Clinic, www.womensresourceclinic.org & Chapter Leader, Aglow International, www.aglow.org
Marcela Garcia, Southern California Chapter Leader, Bound4Life, www.bound4life.com
Allan Parker, Founder/President, The Justice Foundation, www.thejusticefoundation.org
Tom Smith, Board Member, Men for Nations, www.menfornations.org
10am-11am Dishonoring of the First Nations People
Ben Medel, Native American Pastor/Ministry Leader
Christ Otto, Interim Executive Director, Daybreak Pregnancy Resource Center, www.daybreakinc.org & Suffolk Country, MA Coordinator, Cry Out America, www.awakeningamerica.us
Stephanie Steele, California State Coordinator, Governor’s Prayer Team, www.governorsprayerteam.com & Cry Out America, www.awakeningamerica.us
Myles Weiss, Rabbi, Beth Shalom, Novato, CA, www.visitbethshalom.org
11am-12pm Prayerlessness & Lack of Trust in God
John Bornschein, Executive Director, National Day of Prayer Task Force, www.ndptf.org
Lisa Crump, Director of Prayer Mobilization, National Day of Prayer Task Force, www.ndptf.org
Taechin “TC” Kim, National Facilitator, Transform USA, www.transformusa.org
Rick Lindsay, Founder/Director, Encourage Men to Pray, www.encouragementopray.org & South Carolina State Coordinator, National Day of Prayer Task Force, www.ndptf.org
12pm-1pm Causing the Little Ones to Sin
Joel Enge, Faculty Sponsor, Men of Issachar at Boulter Middle School, Tyler, TX, www.facebook.com/pages/Men-of-Issachar-at-Boulter-Middle-School/203467116976
Dai Sup Han, Coordinator, Prayer Surge NOW!, www.prayersurgenow.blogspot & Californians for JESUS, www.CA4Jesus.blogspot.com
Carl Mosebach, Northern California Director, Christian Educators Association International, www.ceai.org
John & Debbie Phillips, Founders/Directors, Life Choices Presents, www.lifechoicespresents.org (to be confirmed)
1pm-2pm Loss of Fear of the Lord
Bruce Berliner, Pastor, Wall Street Revival, www.wallstreetrevival.com & Encouragement in Christ Ministries, Englewood, NJ
Beverly Dennen, Leadership Team, ASK Network International, www.asknetwork.net
Greg Gordon, Founder/Director, Sermon Index, www.sermonindex.net
Edgar Reich, Founder/Director, Revival USA & Canada, www.revivalusacanada.org
Jason Hershey, Base Leader, YWAM DC, www.ywamdc.com
2pm-3pm Neglect of Creation Care
Gary Bergel, Former President, Intercessors for America & Advisor, Evangelical Environmental Network, www.creationcare.org
Negiel Bigpond, Co-founder/Director, Two Rivers Native American Training Center, www.2-rivers.com
Alexei Laushkin, Senior Director of Communications, Evangelical Environmental Network, www.creationcare.org
3pm-4pm Racism & Religious Bigotry
Ron Archer, North America Director, International Reconciliation Coalition, www.reconcile.org
Daniel Delgado, Senior Pastor, Third Day Missions Church, Staten Island, NY, www.3dmissions.org & New York/New Jersey Regional Director National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, www.nhclc.org
Arthur Hunt, Arkansas State Coordinator, National Day of Prayer Task Force, www.ndptf.org & Executive Producer, “Feel the Movement: From Prophecy to Promise”, www.tcaamusic.net
4pm-5pm Divorce & Sexual Immorality
Maryal Boumann, Director, Pray California, www.praycalifornia.org & Chapter Leader, Aglow International, www.aglow.org
Bob Emrich, Director, Maine Jeremiah Project, www.mainejeremiahproject.com
Kris Mineau, Director, Massachusetts Family Institute, www.mafamily.org
5pm-6pm Lack of Support for Our Government & Military
Sara Ballenger, Founder/President, Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, www.chpponline.blogspot.com
Mark Benz, Director, Men for Nations, Maryland, www.menfornations.org
Al McCarn, Lieutenant Colonel, United States Army
Tom Walker, Founder/President, National Governors’ Prayer Team, www.governorsprayerteam.com & Indiana State Coordinator, National Day of Prayer Task Force, www.ndptf.org (to be confirmed)
6pm-7pm Anti-Semitism & Replacement Theology
Saeed Hosseini, Director, Prayer Pavillion, www.prayerpavilion.org
Victor Khokhlan, Senior Pastor, King of the Nations House of Prayer, MA & Massachusetts State Coordinator, National Day of Prayer Task Force, www.ndptf.org
Matthew Smoler, National Prayer Coordinator & Evangelism Manager, Promise Keepers, www.promisekeepers.org
Daniel Vargas, Rabbi/Director, Beth Israel Ministries, www.bethisraeljewishministries.org, Global Towers, www.globalprayertowers.com, & Hawaii State Coordinator, Governor’s Prayer Team, www.governorsprayerteam.com
7pm-8pm Division & Indifference in the Body of Christ
Gaylord Enns, Author of the Book, “Love Revolution: Rediscovering the Lost Command of Jesus,” www.gaylordenns.com
Netz Gomez, Senior Pastor, Houses of Light, Northridge, CA, www.housesoflight.net & Director, Aviva Movement, www.avivamovement.com
Jonathan Friz, Coordinator, New England Alliance, www.newenglandalliance.blogspot.com
Larry Lane, Pastor, Neighborhood Church, Chico, CA, www.ncchico.org & Founder/Director, Kingdom Catalyst, www.kingdomc.org
Phil Miglioratti, Founder/Director, National Pastors Prayer Network, www.nppn.org