Welcome to National Highway of Prayer. Let us prepare a HIGHWAY for OUR GOD (Isaiah 40:3 & 62:10)
as we walk TOGETHER as ONE (John 13:34-35 & 17:20-23). Contact: prayersurgenow@gmail.com

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Countdown to Jan 7 & 11 "7-11" Prayer Initiative

Invitation to Anti-Human Trafficking

7-11” Prayer Initiative Jan. 7 & 11, 2012

National Highway of Prayer Conference Call


Please Visit Face Book Event Pages

Jan 7 www.facebook.com/events/142920082485303

Jan 11 www.facebook.com/events/322505121100930




Saturday Morning, 1.7.12, 9-11am Eastern &

Wednesday Evening, 1.11.12, 8-9pm Eastern

Let US be the


Using Prayer Surge NOW! Nat’l. Conf. Call Line

712-432-0075 & code 6149782#


National Abolitionists & Prayer Leaders

Including (in alphabetical order):

Amber Barron, Freedom’s Promise, TN


John Bornschein & Lisa Crump, CO

National Day of Prayer Task Force


Maryal Boumann, Pray California, CA


Maureen Bravo, Resources Unlimited International, FL


Pierre Bynum, Family Research Council, DC


Mark Gonzales, USA Hispanic Prayer Network, TX


Rick Lumbard, CERTEC, IA


TaeChin “TC” Kim, Transform USA, CO


Tony Nassif, Preventing Abuse, CA


Benji Nolot, Exodus Cry, MO


Alice Patterson, Justice at the Gate, TX


Thomas Walker, IN & Stephanie Steele, CA

National Governors’ Prayer Team


Hosts & Contacts:

Tomas Lares, FL




Dai Sup Han, CA




The Word of God declares in Matthew 24:12 - "And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall grow cold."

We are living in the end times as the injustice of human trafficking continues to grow and is now the fastest growing organized crime in the world. God is calling His watchman to stand and say, "NOT ON MY WATCH". We believe God is waking up His body to pray and take action about the injustice of modern day slavery.

HISTORY: January 11 is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day as passed by the US Senate to raise awareness of, and opposition to, human trafficking in 2008.
President Obama has also proclaimed January National Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Read his
Presidential Proclamation on the White House website.

We are inviting you to participate as we start off the year in a national prayer initiative for the victims of human trafficking, the customers, "Johns", creating the demand and the traffickers/pimps. On Saturday morning, January 7, 2012, 9-11am Eastern, we are partnering with the "Prayer Surge" to focus our prayers for justice. Then on Wednesday evening, January 11, 2012, 8-9pm Eastern, we will be continuing this prayer focus.

Invitation to Jan. 1, 2012, 12am-12pm Nat'l Prayer Watch for America

Please consider one or more hours of

New Year’s Day 12 Hour National Prayer Watch

Together for Our Nation: Shifts in 2012

For the list of schedule/prayer focus/facilitators, please read below or visit


“The Night Watch” - Midnight to Dawn - National Prayer Call

Capitol Hill Prayer Partners, National Governors’ Prayer Team

& United States of Christ Together for America in 2012

New Year’s Day, January 1, 2012, 12am-6pm Eastern

Using CHPP conf. call line (same number as PSN, different code):

712-432-0075 & access code 397367#

Watch 1

Hosted by Sara Ballenger, VA, Capitol Hill Prayer Partners

Midnight-2am Eastern 1/1/12 & 9pm-11pm Pacific 12/31/2011

Watch 2

Hosted by Sheri Carbone, WA, United States of Christ

2am-4am Eastern & 11pm-1am Pacific

Watch 3

Hosted by Rev. Tom Walker, IN, National Governors Prayer Team

4am-6am Eastern & 1am-3am Pacific

For details & questions regarding:

“The Night Watch” hours, please contact califgpt@gmail.com

“The Morning Watch” - Dawn to Noon - National Prayer Call

For “The Seven Mountains” of Influence in 2012

With Key Prayer Networks Together for Our Nation

New Year’s Day, January 1, 2012, 6am-12pm Eastern

Using PSN conf. call line (same number as CHPP, different code):

712-432-0075 & access code 6149782#

6am-7am Eastern & 3am-4am Pacific

Intercession for Government, 2012 Election Cycle, Military

Stephanie Steele, CA, National Governors Prayer Team

LTC Al McCarn United States Army, VA

7am-8pm Eastern & 4am-5am Pacific

Intercession for Churches, Pastors, Ministries

Dai Sup Han, CA, Prayer Surge NOW! & Californians for JESUS

8am-9am Eastern & 5am-6am Pacific

Intercession for Businesses, Economy, Health Care

John Moore, TX, Intercessor with Intercessors for America & PSN

9am-10am Eastern & 6am-7am Pacific

Intercession for Media, Entertainment, Sports

Rick Lindsay, SC, Encourage Men to Pray & National Day of Prayer

10am-11am Eastern & 7am-8am Pacific

Intercession for Family, Marriages, Children/Youth

Lisa Crump, CO, National Day of Prayer Task Force

11am-12pm Eastern & 8am-9am Pacific

Intercession for Education, Schools, Colleges

Carl Mosebach, CA, Christian Educators Association International

For details & questions regarding:

“The Morning Watch” hours, contact prayersurgenow@gmail.com