Inviting the Body of Christ to the 3rd Annual
National Conference Call Prayer Summit "Let US be the VOICE for the VOICELESS"
TOGETHER for the Ending of Human Trafficking
With a Company of Abolitionists and Prayer Leaders for
Saturday Morning, Jan 11, 9-11AM Eastern
Saturday Morning, Jan 11, 9-11AM Eastern
Connect using 712-432-0075, access code 6149782#
Visit Our Facebook Event Page
Confirmed National Abolitionists and Prayer Leaders:
40 Servant Leaders, 50+ Ministries, 22 States & DC
40 Servant Leaders, 50+ Ministries, 22 States & DC
Listed in alphabetical order as of Jan.10
Rhoda Anderson, WY
First Nations Intercessor
Dai Sup Han, CA prayersurgenow@gmail.com
www.prayersurgenow.net, www.CA4Jesus.net, www.ywamchico.com

Rhoda Anderson, WY
First Nations Intercessor
Sara Ballenger, VA/DC
Capitol Hills Prayer Partners, www.chpponline.blogspot.com
Amber Barron, TN
Freedom’s Promise, www.freedomspromise.org
Mark Benz, MD
Chaplaincy, United States Military (Retired)
Men of Nations, www.menfornations.org
Holly Boles, DC
International Justice Mission, www.ijm.org
Capitol Hills Prayer Partners, www.chpponline.blogspot.com
Amber Barron, TN
Freedom’s Promise, www.freedomspromise.org
Mark Benz, MD
Chaplaincy, United States Military (Retired)
Men of Nations, www.menfornations.org
Holly Boles, DC
International Justice Mission, www.ijm.org
Lonny Bringham, CA
4/14 Window Movement, www.4to14window.com
Nicolas Canuso, FL
Author of the Book, Prayer Guide of Ending Human Trafficking in America
Florida Abolitionist, www.floridaabolitionist.org
Peter Carlson, OR
Heart of the Valley House of Prayer, www.hovhop.org
Author of the Book, Prayer Guide of Ending Human Trafficking in America
Florida Abolitionist, www.floridaabolitionist.org
Peter Carlson, OR
Heart of the Valley House of Prayer, www.hovhop.org
Katy Cerny, MO
International House of Prayer, Kansas City, www.ihopkc.org
Virginia Chapman, WA
Church Awakening, www.churchawakening.com
Cindy Collins, LA
Speak Hope, www.speakhope.net
April De Pretis, CA
Youth With A Mission, www.ywam.org,
International Reconciliation Coalition, www.reconcile.org
Bev Dennen, NC
ASK Network, www.asknetwork.net
Marsha Elliott, CA
Serving with ASK Network California and Prayer Surge NOW!
Gaylord Enns, CA
Author of the Book, Love Revolution
Servant Leadership Ministries, www.gaylordenns.com
Jennie Fournier, MA
Greater Boston Prayer and Action Network, www.gbpan.wordpress.com
Jonathan Friz, MA
10 Days of Prayer, September 14-October 4, www.10days.net
U.S. Hispanic Action Network, www.hispanicactionnetwork.com Virginia Chapman, WA
Church Awakening, www.churchawakening.com
Cindy Collins, LA
Speak Hope, www.speakhope.net
April De Pretis, CA
Youth With A Mission, www.ywam.org,
International Reconciliation Coalition, www.reconcile.org
Bev Dennen, NC
ASK Network, www.asknetwork.net
Marsha Elliott, CA
Serving with ASK Network California and Prayer Surge NOW!
Gaylord Enns, CA
Author of the Book, Love Revolution
Servant Leadership Ministries, www.gaylordenns.com
Jennie Fournier, MA
Greater Boston Prayer and Action Network, www.gbpan.wordpress.com
Jonathan Friz, MA
10 Days of Prayer, September 14-October 4, www.10days.net
Mitch Hescox, PA
National Association of Evangelicals, www.nae.net
Evangelical Environmental Network, www.creationcare.org
Gary Hines, CO
City View Ministries Int'l, www. cityviewministriesinternationa l.org,
Faith Covenant Ministries, CO, www.faithcovenantministries. com
National Association of Evangelicals, www.nae.net
Evangelical Environmental Network, www.creationcare.org
Gary Hines, CO
City View Ministries Int'l, www.
Faith Covenant Ministries, CO, www.faithcovenantministries.
Jason Hubbard, WA
Light of the World Prayer Center, www.lowpc.org
Arthur Hunt, AR
National Day of Prayer, Arkansas, www.nationaldayofprayer.org
The College of Aspiring Artists, www.tcaamusic.net
Wolfgang Kovacek, CA
Pray California, www.praycalifornia.org
Hollywood Alive, www.hollywoodalive.com
Mary Carolyn Ludwig, PA
Serving with ASK Network and Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
Pray California, www.praycalifornia.org
Hollywood Alive, www.hollywoodalive.com
Mary Carolyn Ludwig, PA
Serving with ASK Network and Capitol Hill Prayer Partners
Ric Lumbard, IA
CERTEC, Wind and Fire HOP, www.windandfire.org
Stephanie Cheeva McNeal, CA
Love Never Fails World Charity,www.LNFWC.org, www.ThePureFilm.com
Phil Miglioratti, IL
Mission America Coalition, www.missionamerica.org, www.love2020.com
Mission America Coalition, www.missionamerica.org, www.love2020.com
National Pastors Prayer Network, www.nppn.org
Tony Nassif, CA
Preventing Abuse, www.preventingabuse.org
Paul Riley, AK
Wasilla Prayer Network
Al Riskowski, NE
Nebraska Family Alliance, www.nebraskafamilyalliance.org
Paul Riley, AK
Wasilla Prayer Network
Al Riskowski, NE
Nebraska Family Alliance, www.nebraskafamilyalliance.org
Kelly Roy, NH
For Such a Time Ministries, www.illuminatinglove.org
Diane Scimore, FL
Born2Fly Ministries, www.born2fly.org
Matthew Smoler, CO
Promise Keepers, www.promisekeepers.org,
The One Message, www.theonemessage.org
Elizabeth Strong, AL
Serving with ASK Network and Prayer Surge NOW!
Patti Townley-Covert, CA
Transform Los Angeles, CA, www.transformLA.net
For Such a Time Ministries, www.illuminatinglove.org
Diane Scimore, FL
Born2Fly Ministries, www.born2fly.org
Matthew Smoler, CO
Promise Keepers, www.promisekeepers.org,
The One Message, www.theonemessage.org
Elizabeth Strong, AL
Serving with ASK Network and Prayer Surge NOW!
Patti Townley-Covert, CA
Transform Los Angeles, CA, www.transformLA.net
Randy Walls, CA
Calvary Chapel Upland, www.ccupland.com
Robert Wolff, CA
Awakening the One New Man, www.awakening1.com
Randy Walls, CA
Calvary Chapel Upland, www.ccupland.com
Robert Wolff, CA
Awakening the One New Man, www.awakening1.com
Hosts and Contacts
Tomas Lares, FL tomas.lares@floridaabolitionis t.org
www.floridaabolitionist.org, www.nationaldayofprayer.orgDai Sup Han, CA prayersurgenow@gmail.com
www.prayersurgenow.net, www.CA4Jesus.net, www.ywamchico.com
We invite you to join with us
for our 3rd Annual National Conference Call Prayer Summit 1.11.14: Let US be the VOICE for the VOICELESS, for the ending of human trafficking, with initial details posted on Facebook and National Highway of Prayer. This is a special conference call connecting various abolitionist & prayer ministry leaders across
the nation on Saturday morning, January 11, 2014, 9-11AM Eastern. We believe
that our Father is calling us to a joint intercessory-abolition movement for a such a time as this to end the nightmare of modern day slavery.
There will be sharing of both encouraging praise reports and critical prayer points focused on human trafficking which will be followed by intercession. Please listen in and bless our conference call with unified hearts in prayer of agreement. Mean while, if you are interested in learning about our previous conf calls in Jan. 2012 and 2013, please visit here and here.
We would like to make available a very inspiring book written by Nicolas Canuso, our friend and partner in intercessory-abolition ministry. Please click here and download Land of the Free: A Prayer Guide of Ending Human Trafficking in America. Reading of this book will better prepare us for the the Prayer Summit on Jan. 11.
Let US be the VOICE to the VOICELESS throughout 2014 and beyond!
Together in Christ,
Tomas Lares, Executive Director/Founder, Florida Abolitionist
and Serving with National Day of Prayer
Dai Sup Han, Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW! and Californians for JESUS
and Serving with Youth With A Mission
There will be sharing of both encouraging praise reports and critical prayer points focused on human trafficking which will be followed by intercession. Please listen in and bless our conference call with unified hearts in prayer of agreement. Mean while, if you are interested in learning about our previous conf calls in Jan. 2012 and 2013, please visit here and here.
We would like to make available a very inspiring book written by Nicolas Canuso, our friend and partner in intercessory-abolition ministry. Please click here and download Land of the Free: A Prayer Guide of Ending Human Trafficking in America. Reading of this book will better prepare us for the the Prayer Summit on Jan. 11.
Let US be the VOICE to the VOICELESS throughout 2014 and beyond!
Together in Christ,
Tomas Lares, Executive Director/Founder, Florida Abolitionist
and Serving with National Day of Prayer
Dai Sup Han, Facilitator, Prayer Surge NOW! and Californians for JESUS
and Serving with Youth With A Mission
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