Welcome to National Highway of Prayer. Let us prepare a HIGHWAY for OUR GOD (Isaiah 40:3 & 62:10)
as we walk TOGETHER as ONE (John 13:34-35 & 17:20-23). Contact: prayersurgenow@gmail.com

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Next Conf Call 1/15 for the Body fo Christ TOGETHER for the Youth/Millennials

Thank you for joining us this morning, Jan. 12,  for the
2nd Nat'l Conf Call for the Ending of Human Trafficking!
Please click HERE and learn about various partners/guests
who joined us in speaking/leading prayer


Please Join Us for a Special Conf Call Next Tuesday, Jan 15
7am PST/10am EST or 12pm PST/3pm EST or 6pm PST/9pm EST
Please connect using 712-432-0075 and code 6149782# for 30 minutes.
For the vision of THE FATHER HEART OF GOD Conferences in
Cities/Regions Throughout North America in 5 MONTHS - Saturday, 6.15.13
The Body of Christ TOGETHER for the Youth/Millennials on the Eve of Father's Day
Please read & share the details below with your network. 

Vision for THE FATHER HEART OF GOD 6.15.13
Conferences for the Youth/Millennials/Gen Y in Cities throughout North America

Jesus said to His disciples…
As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. - John 15:9
Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you. - John 20:21

Encouraging the city/area-wide Church to honor our Father by gifting the young generation – The Millennnials/Gen Y – with The Father Heart of God Conference on Saturday, June 15, 2013, on the eve Father’s Day Sunday in America and Canada. May congregations and ministries of North America respond to this invitation and impact the lives of one million+ teens, college-aged, young adults with The Father Heart of God on 6.15.13, transform our cities together as ONE generation and usher the Return of Our King!

  • Revealing of the Father Heart of God to our young generation who have little or no understanding of biblical grace and truth, but rather walking as spiritual orphans in our cities. They need Heaven’s revelation of Jesus’ eternal words in John 15:9 – As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. Living in this reality will bring freedom from the entanglements of this world and allow for continual embracing of the Father’s love, life and liberty.
  • Proclaiming the Father’s Mandate of transforming our cities/regions and nations. The Millennials understand the need for a radical shift in our society. Many have activist heart and desire to make positive contributions for a better world than the one they received. ALL members of the Body of Christ have been commissioned to bring the Father’s love and peace to the one another and the lost as Jesus spoke of in John 20:21. Will we respond to the Holy Spirit at such a time as this?
  • Calling the “Elijahs” and “Elishas” as ONE generation awakened by the love of the Father, commissioned in the ministry of Jesus and living in His answered prayer in John 17:20-26. The world needs to witness tangible evidence of Heaven on Earth through a generation of Jesus People walking in Love Revolution (John 13:34-35; 15:12). Together we can bring the ministry of Jesus to ALL people in our generation. This revolution must be fueled by our faith in Jesus and authentic supernatural love for one another that know no bounds of age, culture, ethnicity, socioeconomic levels, etc. May the hearts of the older Elijahs and the younger Elishas fuse as ONE in our cities/regions/nations to that the world may believe that the Father has sent the Son! (Malachi 4:5-6; Luke 1:17; Joel 2:28-32; Acts 2:17-21)
Is your heart stirred to join the movement? Do you desire to prepare your city/region for The Father Heart of God Conference for the Millennials on June 15, 2013? Then, you are asked to consider the above stated vision and purpose for your city/region. At the same time, you are asked to seek the Lord for the strategy that would best serve the needs of your local area. Since the conference is a gift to the teens, college-aged and young adults, the Millennials of ALL cultures, streams, denominations would be invited at no cost. This would require cooperation of several congregations/ministries in your city/region that are not seeking financial gain and none of the pastors, ministry leaders, and speakers would receive any compensation. Each location is asked to consider a special love offering towards a local, national or global cause that the Millennials believe in.

January 15 Conference Call:
You are invited to a special conference call for discussion and prayer for the 6.15.13 Conference on Tuesday, January 15, 2013, 7am Pacific/10am Eastern or 12pm Pacific/3pm Eastern, or 6pm Pacific/9pm Eastern. Each of these conference calls will have the same focus and last for only 30-45 minutes. Please mark your calendar, invite other interested servant leaders, and connect using 712-432-0075 and access code 6149782#.

If you have any questions/comments, please email Dai Sup Han, prayersurgenow@gmail.com with the subject “6/15 Conf” or give him call at 530-570-0085. Thank you!

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